
Clean, simple and respectable performance even today. The Acura Legend of supercars, reliability aside. I actually don’t know if reliability is even a consideration at that level. If you can afford the car you can likely afford the repairs.

So you took a comment about old rich white guys and conflated it to all white people? That is stereotyping and doesn’t help anything, do you realize how many white people approved of and supported kneeling? Dividing by race only is dangerous and does not help anything.

So does this prove that what really kills our cars is poor maintenance and cold startups?

I may or may not have exceeded 100 in my youth. We used an abandoned 3 mile stretch of road closed by the creation of an artificial lake (it was cheaper to bend the road than build a bridge). Regardless deer could still jump out and overall it was stupid and reckless and fun. One screw up and things could have been

All we can do is hope that most people who appear good are good and those that deceive are the exception, not the rule. Be vigilant but we cannot be cynically second guessing everyone or society is doomed.

The studio part was always analogous to Mike buying the car in wheeler dealers, just filler to FF through until you get to the good stuff namely wrenching, hijinks and POWER! 

Especially if she was in a sober state of mind, no beer goggles. 

I think most of the commenters are just mirroring the close minded rantings of the author laced with profanity and stereotypes. We don’t debate ideas anymore just virtue signal and throw snotty fifth grader insults at each other. Sad.

James May approved.

You know that Pelosi and Schumer both railed against illegal immigration years ago and voted for border security. They changed their tune when they saw illegal immigration could benefit them. Also studies have shown non citizens are costing us billions every year in government services that could easily pay for the


I know Russians dash cam at a massive rate but are they the world’s worst drivers or just happen to record more of the same bad driving that goes on everywhere?

Mickey Rourke and Sam Rockwell (always good) did a fine job in Iron Man 2 as well as the regular cast but the flow of the movie just felt disjointed compared to 1 or 3. I also think Doctor Strange was a weaker film but his appearances in Ragnarok and Avengers 3 were great. Thor 2 is probably the most formulaic and

Chevy Silverado, are you ready to LOOK SO GOOD! In 24 great smelling colors!

Nevermind nonsense tweets from political has beens, has Ms. Ocasio-Cortez laid out a plan of how to pay for most of what she proposes? She had failed to do so when pressured by left and right leaning pundits alike, which makes her seem just like any other politician, full of impossible promises.

However do include pictures of yourself in underwear with the caption “boom, pregnant”. Tastefully done of course.

AKA Count de Monet.

Exactly, this commenter is trying to argue for a world free of consequences, good luck.

Give. It. Up. already, sheesh.

No it’s reality, kids are cruel. Wish it away all you want but judging by the responses you are way in the minority. Also judging by the fact that you have to respond to EVERY SINGLE comment tells me you get off on internet outrage and virtue signalling. Just go away.