
Perfect, can’t believe it takes that much to explain reality and common sense.

I this triggered commenter would actually sue 5th graders for being kids.

Yes but what are you going to do, take 5th graders to court and sue them for taunting? Please take your ridiculous outrage elsewhere. Kids are cruel, it’s life.

Kids don’t care about PC. Are you telling me that kids, especially middle school kids, aren’t the meanest little you know whats on earth? That is just kids, they haven’t learned to be polite. Ask a kid to draw a picture of you and they will point out every single physical flaw. This is reality and trying to compare

Exactly, middle school was and I imagine still is hell. This is like lighting dynamite. For all the triggered commenters here laughing at a kid is not ok but the parents, totally called for. Abcde is legitimately a stupid name, right up there with 12345.

That or develop serious psychological issues. Thanks mom and dad!

HOW DARE YOU! Why I never, my internet outrage knows no bounds!

I think the vast majority would agree Abcde is a stupid name but not the child’s fault.

Child no, their parents yes. Chill man.

No excuse ever for laughing at a kid, they didn’t choose their name. However yes, what did the parents think would happen? My spouse and I specifically tried to avoid names for our children that would invite ridicule because no matter what you do kids will be cruel, especially in middle school.

Are they selling “I hit the bridge” bumper stickers yet?

The regular cab is beautiful. 

This is a tough one as the film/entertainment industry really doesn’t have an industry standard beyond base scale. Salaries differ wildly and if you don’t think you are getting what you are worth, hire a better agent or publicist. Agents are basically contract lawyers, do you not think they would press the issue of

Nailed it. Keep the engine and suspension and trash the rest, they look like upscale Impalas, too corporate. I have to imagine it is accounting decisions that lead to embarrassingly cheap instrument clusters in some models or styling that always seems a few years behind.

Mazda never gets enough credit, like the Arrested Development of cars.

Love what Clarion is doing here but when are they going to be releasing this new line? For decades Clarion has been known as bottom of the barrel Walmart junk right down there with Koss. A quick Crutchfield search seems to confirm they are still there, touchscreens look “decent”.

Here I thought dead fish were just plot devices in Grumpy Old Men movies.

I think the misogynist backlash against Ghostbusters was completely overblown. Most of it was based on youtube commenters that were a small percentage of posters and an even more infinitesimal percentage of overall views. Do you think people who comment on youtube videos represent the general population? Doubtful.

I think the fact that the entire CT6 model range barely outsold a foreign competitor’s more expensive model might have more to do with cancellation than tariffs. Cadillacs may be competitive in handling and performance but they always seem a step behind in styling, interiors and frankly desirability. Cadillacs seem

There will always be people who are scumbags. Even as a guy I have been physically harassed by people on the subway looking for money. I have no tolerance for anyone who lays a hand on anyone else and of course sexual harassment is never acceptable. However what do you propose, thought control? If we are talking about