
I suspect the majority of the 50K was just to keep it running and then when it no longer made sense they decided to overstress the engine until it blows a piston. I imagine the check engine light has a piece of black electrical tape over it, boat anchor.

He got ground effects to rust, WALK AWAY!

Nothing says quality workmanship like ground effects you found laying by the highway.

Just cruising craigslist can tell you people keep their Suburbans and large SUVs FOREVER. The average mileage listed is around 200K. I get it though these are tough built workhorses. They may get worse mileage than your average car but they will also last much longer and take a beating. 

Can I give the Ford dealer my arm now and mail the leg in later? At least trucks depreciate at a slow rate compared to almost any luxury car. I could build a house’s foundation out of old XJ8s and save money.

Is it 5 years or 2 or 40? In 1988 it was speculated NY would be Venice by now.

Surprising Tesla hasn’t had a movie come out about it yet a la Social Network. Heck enough material and characters for a few sequels, it never ends.

Wow, an interior that makes a mid 2000's charger look fancy.

Congratulations, you won internet virtue signalling self absorbed snark of the day. Be sure to wear this badge proudly and tell strangers loudly how you are better than everyone you have ever met.

Many authors these days have to point out how terrible everything was before they were born and how it is imperative to eliminate any humor which offends them and their unparalleled morality.

I had to get 5 hours of emergency therapy after two movie characters purposely portrayed as hapless losers disrespected a woman. My word! They are actors, it is fiction, anyone taking this movie seriously has issues.

Minus Tom Green road trip had its moments.

OMG, you actually took the bait, it was a JOKE! Get over yourself.

Seriously when did the latest generation turn into a bunch of frumpy octogenarian schoolmarms? Yeah the movie was stupid and dated but it was never meant to be Lawrence of Arabia. However almost surprised the author didn’t say “my word!” or “Well I never, harumph!”

Yes, because Obama never hanged with celebrities, constantly. Obsessed much? Odds are Trump has little direct effect on your life.

So Kim said it went well, Trump said it went well and Johnson’s attorney said it went well but the magical anonymous ghost said it didn’t. What is this, high school gossip? This is why the press is seen as a joke these days.

Amazing detail and fantastic engineering but I just don’t think the Dino is a very attractive shell. Feel free to destroy me for lack of taste.

Really man do you guys cut and paste replies? Come up with a new retort.

Oh boy did you open the door. This is the Gawker family my friend. Dare to disagree or point out someone’s failing and you will be greeted with a chorus of FU! Thin skinned city but I agree, just because you got caught doesn’t make you a victim. Who cares if everyone does it YOU got caught!

I often thought the escalating and compounding of tickets was ridiculous, especially when I lived in DC, paid enough in parking tickets to have a street named after me. However I’ve lived in NC for 20 years and never had an issue with parking tickets. Were these traffic tickets for speeding or another moving