
Unfortunately the older generation is still in charge and many are under the belief that the majority of their office workers need to come in or else they will be unproductive, dadgummit! For businesses that still have in person meetings it helps to have their offices in large hubs such as NY, DC, WA. They also figure

Really, why would some of the biggest polluters invent climate change?

Sure, then none of these guys will have jobs, good plan.

Yeah, sure, the guy who couldn’t buy a win with the Niners will turn it all around.

Yeah because they are soo underpaid.

and that was the last time anybody dared to compliment my appearance.

Let me guess you saw a Trump hat on the way home and had to get 4 hours of emergency therapy. Sheesh you sound about as fun as a triple bypass.

They probably think you are a humorless person so don’t worry keep it up and no one will dare pay you or your child a compliment ever again.

She is setting up her daughter to be an undatable neurotic mess who might star in the reboot of Girls.

I get you but hard to argue with a parent. If that is how she wants to raise her child then that is her choice. The pendulum swings both ways but push too far any you also risk raising a hyper sensitive child that views every word with suspicion and is generally neurotic. What this person should remember is most

I occasionally listen to a money management show on the way home from a work. Most people who are in trouble are making 50K or less a year with a $700 truck or car payment. Trucks are silly expensive but not sure why anyone would buy a car close to their rent or mortgage.

Trump is the reason tinder kicked them off. Trump ruined their favorite T-shirt. Trump made them take out uggge college loans. Trump is the loser’s scapegoat.

“out of your league” Please internet genius. People who have to tell others how intelligent and enlightened they are usually anything but. Tone down the jerkiness. I get it you have the emotional maturity of an 8 year old and you need to vent but try being persuasive not repugnant.

Says the Jagoff.

Wow angry, acerbic and arrogant, who kicked you in the dick?

Off to the backwoods prostate convention.

You mean rich, powerful generally old dudes? Yeah this doesn’t represent 99% of us.

Fozzy Bear has also been accused btw.

Think that might be everywhere, I know it is true in DC. I should ask the author if he also partakes in the ritual of splitting lanes, going 10 mph in rush hour traffic, cutting off cars and generally riding a bike like you have a death wish. Also having an absolute explosion of anger if anyone calls them on it.