
Amazing how most people on here are so blinded by hate and snark that they can’t for a minute be objective. The NY times are no friends of the Trump white house but even they can see the difference between policy jokes and personal attacks. The joke about Cohen paying Stormy was good and relevant, as well as the Rince

Yeah, all the psychologists and educators who produced these tests are racists! Its all a big damn conspiracy and you are all in on it! Where is Andy Dufresne?

Nope that is Chazz Palminteri

That is Chazz Palminteri.

“We concluded that Cohen had one phone to speed-dial KFC (his boss is greedy and likes to eat disgustingly greasy fried chicken that only white people like)“

Sure, put your trust in an ambulance chaser and a currently touring porn star. Anything to do with Collusion or Obstruction? No? Consumed by hate you are, get on with you lives.

I have to surf craigslist cars every night as if it was crack. I’m thinking of buying an old used suburban even though I have no family and three perfectly good cars. Not sure what is wrong with me, I believe it is a form of David Tracitous.

No, it would seem like overly emotional, virtue signaling attack dogs like you aren’t helping by eliminating any meaningful discussion.

He is talking about reasonable alternatives if the damage cannot be reversed, he has been acknowledging climate change the whole time. It seems like your attitude is “uh oh, the possibility someone might slightly disagree with me, attack, attack, attack!”

Snarky comment, attack just to attack, bring no substance to the conversation. Well you checked all the items off your list, a full day for you, right?

Sometimes it isn’t even worth it. So many posters on here are so eager to virtue signal they attack you even if you are agreeing with them. As you mentioned earlier, the internet in a nutshell, emotion over reasonable discourse.

The man is making structured arguments and acknowledging climate change, he is just making practical suggestions to save the company outside of changing the weather. Attacking people for even the perception of not completely agreeing with you just alienates people to your causes.

But is he the #1 stunnah?

Still way too expensive

No one in DC had DC plates. Remember the congressman who thought his cleaning lady was stealing parking, he probably had a point.

I used to live in DC near Howard, could not park near my townhouse except from June-August. If there is a football game, get out of town. If you love cars don’t live in a large city.

Nooooope, but enjoy watching people stuck in this madness try to justify it. Also enjoy watching house hunters where someone in NY is looking for a poor excuse for a house made out of old wood paneling for under $1M. At least people in SF could say they have the views and decent weather, sometimes. This day in age

Obviously inspired by the 6000 SUX.

You are right, the incredible stamina it must take to whine incessantly for 18 months is truly Surreal.

Yes that was the first time in history that anyone was ever taken advantage of. Child.