
Were they listening to talk radio real loud?

So you are saying emergency services beat the homeless man? Geez guys not all cops are out to get you and not all white people are racist. How does making these generalizations help at all?

Eric Clapton?

Comey is undermining his own image with petty personal attacks. This shows a man that is just as egotistical and thinned skinned as Trump. He should have kept the personal stuff out and stuck with the story. That and people from both sides including John Kelly and Loretta Lynch have claimed they didn’t say what Comey

From what the article it seems it may have been presented incorrectly to Thatcher but she also seemed to have preconceived notions in mind. I would stop short at the Reagan/Thatcher conspiracy theories however. The labour party and British leyland did a fine job on their own ruining the British auto industry. Some of

Yup, guess Bill Clinton was Stalin too when he signed a workfare law back in 1996, right?

All the illegals are gone are you high? You do also realize they are a prime reason wages are depressed in many fields, right? Can’t have your illegals and good wages too.

Yeah that’s why Bill Clinton, democrat, signed a workfare law back in 1996.

Yup, thats the democrat plan. Let me know when someone gets rich off of welfare.

Yup, I guess that was Bill Clinton’s reasoning too when he signed a workfare law in 1996.

First, you responded to yourself. Second, this is nothing new, Bill Clinton signed a workfare law in 1996.

Yeah I guess Bill Clinton loved the rich and hated poor people when he signed “workfare” back in 1996 right?

What a load. You do realize Bill Clinton signed a “workfare” law back in 1996 right? This is nothing new. Also we have 4% unemployment.

So I guess Clinton was like Stalin too when he signed workfare back in 1996?

Exactly, the same people liberals protect are also depressing their wages. Funny that, eh?

Factory jobs usually pay pretty well however wages have been depressed in many industries by illegal immigrants. BTW this is nothing new, Bill Clinton signed “workfare” into law in 1996.

Nothing new, Bill Clinton already did this in 1996. Of course he was a democrat so, I guess that makes it ok? From the Economist:

4% unemployment, always an excuse. This isn’t new BTW, remember Bill Clinton’s “workfare”?

We have one of the lowest unemployment rates, you aren’t going to find it better anywhere in the world. Don’t want to work at McDonald’s? Make yourself a better candidate.

I doubt people on disability will be affected, that is wholly separate from Welfare.