
Pretty much spot on, except for this:

This woman only cares about herself and constant attention. She contradicts herself frequently and would quickly abandon her leftist leanings if it means personal gain on her part. Quit giving her attention.

I had a pilot when it first came out, loved it. Smooth, powerful, everything seemed to fit and it looked pretty beefy too. This new one seems to be improved in many ways but the giant CR-V styling just has not grown on me. I thought Kia was on the right track with their minivan but now even non minivans are trying to

In DC it literally took someone dying as a result of poor metro maintenance for anything to be done.

Sure you are joking but China, whom still puts communist propaganda before feature films, is probably the biggest perpetrator of intellectual property theft in the world. You don’t get any reimbursement for your ideas or any recourse. You just disappear if you complain.

As long as they aren’t working late at night which I doubt. A neighbor with a lift? Hell yeah!

I know you are mainly being tongue and cheek (I hope) but remember without capitalism you would likely be driving around in something like this:

Yellow journalism running wild. The invisible man told me through his Obamaphone that Trump snorts coke made from minority refugees with strippers on top of the White House. Get me the NYT and Wash Post!

Just playing up to their audience. Don’t believe me just check out the backlash these comments are about to receive from the army of pajama boys on this website. Get ready for Trump is orange, Trump is an idiot, conservatives want people to die in the street, everything should be free, America was founded by racists

Just playing up to their audience. Don’t believe me just check out the backlash these comments are about to receive from the army of pajama boys on this website. Get ready for Trump is orange, Trump is an idiot, conservatives want people to die in the street, everything should be free, America was founded by racists

Thank you. Apparently Gawker co sites have not taken a hint from what is currently going on at CNN. You can report on cars, tech, military without injecting your personal bias constantly. A line here or there, no prob. But creating Trump bashing diatribes with little content is a waste of everyone’s time.

Just dumb dudes, bet they take shots of hydraulic fluid.

Overzealous water defense system?

This woman is clearly a hero, however couldn’t resist kicking a man while he is down or just clinging to life could ya? Scalise may be a scumbag but also being a scumbag will make the world better right?

Is the frame rust issue impossible to overcome or just cost prohibitive? Seems like if some of these are going for 60-70K and up in top condition it would be worth the investment to restore and be a lot of fun in the process, you know, angry can’t find the right part or “oh great, another issue” fun.

I don’t know who expected to get rich driving a car (Excluding NASCAR, F1, Grand Tour, etc.).

Equity in a startup, a sham, rarely pays off. I got in early at what became a large startup but after the 3rd or 4th round of VC funding if you weren’t an exec you were last to be paid. Good thing I negotiated a good salary and got out before it imploded. I’m sure it is well known many startups blow through money like

I have a feeling you are still working on your GED Mr. Jones. As most left slanted articles a lot of smoke and little fire. What “Russia friendly websites”. Where is the fake news Russia was putting out? I never saw any of this during the election and phishing emails are not hacking.

Just take a few guys with you, or extra organs. Of course the latter raises more questions.

Oreos and french fries, thanks Deeds!