
ooooohhh shit! dude!

I guess they meant shockingly cheap for people who way overpay for cars. This is Jalopnik, buy a sub 10K car and make it better than any of these caddys with your own hands.

Wow on an LS? I have two 90's Jaguars and I can’t waltz into autozone but parts are all over Ebay, junkyards, etc. I guess the Lexus is too reliable, not enough junked Lexi to pick a part. 

Do you know anything about Nuclear energy or what exactly happened at Three mile island or Chernobyl?

Sure, whatever. You didn’t vote for him, we get it. We put up with 8 years of Obama and you can’t deal with 6 months of Trump? What a thin skinned baby you are. Do you still throw temper tamtrums if you don’t get your way?

Like arguing with children around here, grow up brat.

Are you an idiot? Car companies will produce whatever is profitable. If their customer base wants green cars they will make green cars. The crux of the agreement was it unfairly penalized the US.

Did you read the paris agreement? Doubt it. Don’t talk about bias, if Trump single handedly saved NY you would still dump on the guy.

An example of the caliber of reader who eats this stuff up.

Duh, every story is a hate rant against the right. Kind of like when they were mad at Trump for trying to get foreign car manufactuers to use more American-made parts. How is that negative?

Is this a town of octogenarians who think death is stalking them? Why can they not respect LT1 power?

Guess what, countries that are mono-ethnic or have a 80-90% majority are usually pretty racist. Have you seen how some Japanese anime has depicted black people? Stuff that wouldn’t fly in 1930.

“I’ll use my credit card!”

First I’ve ever heard of this, what is it WW II? Didn’t realize we had a big problem with anti Japanese racism in 2017.

Someone should tell king of the hipsters the manbun went out a few years ago. Real time travelers?

Do you honestly think American countries don’t already produce models with emissions standards for certain markets? If there is money to be made American automakers will be there. Also I know there are a few British models that were banned in the US because of emissions/safety. Also diesels which are legal in the EU

Because Trump. Orlove and Gawker cannot bring themselves to praise Trump, even when he is correct.

Because Gawker and it’s Trump. No matter what he does they will always be negative. Imagine asking a trade partner for more in return, my word! I thought that was negotiating and Daimler reciprocated. However since it is Trump it is BS. The 4 year temper tantrum continues.

Sounds like a bunch of morons who peaked in HS taking it out on the new guy. Unfortunately this was the perfect storm, bullying a guy who was already depressed and very young (Things seem so much worse/insurmountable when you are young.)

If he is talking about reliability or longevity I’m on board.