
As long as those two people are rational. By the way that mideast peace worked out real well didn’t it?

Moving on Venezuela would be defined as imperialism by the democrats. Just like firing Comey was their dream a few months ago after Hillary blamed losing on his interferenace. Now he is the democrat hero?

Of course we would all like to avoid war but trying to placate N Korea for the last few decades has not worked. Little fat boy and his father both knew all they had to do was make a little noise and the free nuclear plants and aid would come. Meanwhile they continue to starve and brainwash their own people and throw

I agree, they all look the exact same! Might as well just eliminate naming and call the Ford hatchback, Ford crossover, Ford sedan and smaller Ford sedan. They have done some impressive things with engines, interiors, etc but the packaging is so, blended together.

Why not just title your article “Waaah, Waaah!” If it was Hillary as president firing Comey you would have a parade, the evil man who cost Hillary the election is gone! Clearly just more Trump hate.

So just curious, do you write your own headlines or do you source them out to angsty middle schoolers? Another biased opinion from a liberal schill. Why not just start every article with “Ewh muy gawd, Republicans are like.... so stupid, totally.”

Yeah because everyone knows minorities can’t get IDs.

A black Sterling 827s was my first car. My dad was a British car nut and bought one when they first came out. He then bought two more for parts after they left the US and used Sterlings were dirt cheap.

More Trump angst from the Gawker community surprise, surprise. Didn’t Obama have a huge crackdown on leaks as well?

Yes we are in for a monotonous, high torque future. Who says we can’t have exciting new variations on electric engines?

True to Chevy tradition, we have used the cheapest, flimsiest materials on the interior. Heck even if we use better materials we will manage to design it in a way that STILL LOOKS CHEAP. Even barely acceptable by today’s standards. Cause God knows at GM we are still trying to pass off Chevy interiors as Cadillacs. If

and the far left has knee jerk reactions, shouts “racist” if anyone dares not to completely agree with them and bites some pillows.

So speaking clearly is racist? Man have you guys gone off the deep end.

If they aren’t interacting with clients or customers then yes, it would be discrimination. however if their poor enunciation or heavy accent cause customers to get a bad impression or affects their sales then yes, it would make sense to consider hiring someone else. Either that or you can just lecture all the

Ok, so the reason people with poor grammar are discriminated against is because everyone is racist? Sure, that is plausible. Wake up.

Yeah and someone with a thick south boston accent probably wouldn’t do well in phone sales either.

Wow, way to open up a discussion. Tolerance of liberals on display again, just get out of a college class?

Exactly, this. I grew up in the south and I have two graduate degrees but some people would still second guess my qualifications because of my southern accent. People are judgemental, fact of life, learn and adapt or be a victim forever.

Uh oh, you upset the snowflakes and now the inevitable insults and calls of “racist” will follow. I spent a good part of my career in phone sales and it does pay to sound competent and not use slang, no matter where you are from. This isn’t black exclusive, if you had a heavy new york or south boston accent and talked

Complete screwup again, airlines just can’t act or reason like normal human beings.