
Why didn’t they just paint “VRRROOOMM!” on the side?

I’m not really sure how the Monte Carlo can get worse but yeah, an upside down kiddie pool was actually a pace car and an even more hideous special edition.

Come on man, clearly the car needs more mirrors, columns and baroque furniture to properly attract a Trump.

This may have hit harder if Kimmel wasn’t a multi millionaire, his baby was never in trouble. Why not just air his show on CNN at this point?

Out of control PC, humor is futile!

Just because you are rich does not mean you are intelligent.

Wow, I doubt you guys ever actually watched Trubisky play. Did you happen to catch where he completed over 80% of his passes, threw for over 400 yards, no picks and 3 TDs at FSU and led an amazing comeback? Yeah, what a loser.

Trubisky is a great prospect, I saw all of his games this year and he is the real deal. Cannon arm, pinpoint accuracy and led a few comebacks in difficult places to play like FSU. All this with a mediocre to terrible defense, he HAD to carry the team. He also has good character and work ethic by all accounts. He was a

Yup, cause everyone who doesn’t agree with you is a redneck moron. Wow, still can’t figure out how Trump won with all of these mature, measured liberal arguments.

Ok, so we should listen to you instead of what we see and hear with our own eyes and ears? It is clear as day, not our fault you live in a liberal bubble, is Hillary still ahead by 11 points? No way Trump can win right?

It isn’t state run media? Is it not the Public Broadcasting Corp and receives the lions share of funding from the government?

Yeah, it is when they stop talking about sports, you must have been a pretty dim 5 year old.

Really making a strong case by calling anyone with a differing opinion morons. I don’t think ESPN’s liberal bias and constant intermingling of sports and politics is THE reason but it is A reason ESPN is hemorrhaging.

M-B does the same thing, I’m not sure who started this ridiculous trend. Customization is great but they are producing cars no one asked for like:

Zuckerburg could win the presidency, no question after Trump won. The man has basically controlled the social lives of an entire generation and beyond, he is ubiquitous. I imagine this occurred to him or was whispered in his ear long ago. I’m not really sure he wants it, he has power and influence and he would be more

Love the old B bodies and LT1 power but it looks like that suspension needs a little more bolstering. I know they are beefed up for hearse duty but the rear end is a little too low and front end a little to lifted for my comfort. Try to tow anything and you are doing wheelies.

Don’t hoon on private property but I would not see this coming completely. Like someone running out and saying “my dirt, my special rare dirt!”

Wow defensive much, preempting the conservative posters? Most objective people would argue ESPN skews liberal but it wouldn’t matter if it was entertaining, which it isn’t. Most people don’t want ANY politics in their sports, it is an escape from such things.

Because age has inevitably caught up with him and his Gene Keady combover ain’t cutting it. Isn’t that right leather?

Super late to this party but yes, my first car was a 1989 Sterling 827S, black with tan interior. Since they were dirt cheap after they pulled out of the US my dad also bought and ‘88 825S with a manual and a 1991 827si, their last year.