
Musk has done some amazing things, no doubt. However it is amazing he has had success for so long all while breaking the cardinal business rule of never over promising and under delivering. Guess pioneers have some leeway.

Did you not see the fine, fine print “May completely destroy engine, not practical.”

More power for mustang owners, sheesh. Like trading in handguns for M-16s. Should set a a Mustang protection center next door which sells things like increased liability insurance and squirrel repellent.

I think one of the most interesting things is characters in these largely Japanese produced games rarely look Japanese. Is that because they think the world market wants different races or are they just humble? Are they self loathing?

Unless that XJ had over 250K miles or was constantly ragged I doubt it was “on its way out.” I say the Jeep dumped him.

Exactly, their crappy lie ruined what could have been an easy target in United. If they are going to blow smoke at least make up a more plausible story.

Tough one, United could easily have overreacted and the couple could have easily been disruptive and trying to push it and figured the airline wouldn’t risk more bad press.

No one ever said rich people are universally smart and we all know money cannot buy class. Also don’t understand the Spain jab, they do have high employment but their per capita GDP and avg income are in the top 30 globally. India, not so good, not even in top 100 of either.

I think Simplot, provider to chains and fast food and mass produced french fry pioneers, actually invented this decades ago.

Well I never.... look before pulling out into traffic?

Plenty of money to sue people for running a MarioKart ripoff but won’t produce things in demand. Brilliant.

You look at laws as meaningless. Do you think anarchy is better? Yeah lets make everyone’s life worse. We are not the worlds charity. So we should just ignore massive corruption in other countries and just keep taking influxed until... we collapse? Life is about hard choices, all first world countries have checked

Lets start another subprime housing crisis, what could go wrong? I would rather have an SUV than the crossover craze. I know they are practical and all but they are just the most boring, unsexy cars I have ever seen and most are the new soccer mom haulers.

You are a child, grow up.

I think the GM bean counters still have too much control. For god sakes look at a Lexus interior or an Audi interior or even a Ford interior. Stop being cheap!!!

Cheap plastic is like crack to GM, they may kick it for a while but they always come back. Fake wood take me home!

Takes a while to change opinions after decades of terrible fake wood, cheap plastics and peeling paint (GM). Ford has made the most strides IMO, Chevy is better but some things about the Impala and Caddy interiors still look cheap. Kudos to for both for putting real work into the mechanical, making reliable modern

Incomparible and a childish argument. Name a first world country that has open borders, I’m waiting.

Through chain migration they should be able to come in. If they got impatient and came in illegally that is their fault. Why is their no responsibility on the part of the immigrants?

No person is illegal eh? I’ll go tell the prisons to release everyone. Are you a child? Do you understand how borders and nations work and that no first world country has open borders? Do you? Grow up.