
If immigrants were coming these days to clear land, make their own clothes and houses and hunt for/grow their own food and welfare programs didn’t exist I might feel sympathy. Two loose comparisons, try harder junior.

Sure, we can fund social service with hopes and dreams and unicorns! Laws are for dumb dumbs! Are you 12?

Kind of disturbing that you seem to be downplaying drunk driving. As a former claims adjuster I saw some pretty grisly accidents involving uninsured/illegal immigrant drivers, including loss of life.

You are blind as a bat if you don’t see idiocy has infected both parties. Believe me, part of my job is reading congressional hearing transcripts (unedited, few people know congresspeople can redact statements from congressional and committee records.) Statements a grade school student would find moronic, from both

Or maybe with only two parties many people lie somewhere in between. Most of this mess is fueled by people looking at political parties like football teams and if someone isn’t in your camp they are the enemy. Few people in America align completely with either party. Someone who doesn’t agree with abortions likely

I would without hesitation use a week of vacation time to wrench, beautiful country!

We all know what this show needs:

Less puffy James Spader with better hair, Wookie and Antron. I hope Wookie and Antron are damn hilarious because I don’t see Fichtner cracking jokes but then again, I don’t know his whole catalog.

Seen plenty of cars outlast their engines. Might this reverse the trend? Also doubt internal combustion will still be around in 50 years.

China is a tough one. Sure they can only sell their knockoffs of several products domestically. However I’m sure this cuts into businesses from other countries trying to penetrate a huge market. The questions is how much? I would imagine those that can afford the real thing buy the real thing for superior quality and

Prepare for a Supra that launches pistons through the oil pan after 30K. Metallurgy or a least quality control not a strong suit in China.

I have been going to Bald Head for 30 years and it really is a great place but in recent years the police activity has been out of hand. I blame it on the retirees which make up the board. They have increasingly tried to make Bald Head more like a retirement community than a family retreat.

I thought David Tracy had exclusive rights to Jeep nostalgia. Either that or Orlove is his nom de plume. Anyway judging by the asking prices of well maintained Wagoneers and XJs people are well aware of the Jeep appeal.

When I hear my parents talk about cars from the 50's and 60,s it is laced with the typical nostalgia, especially when they relayed the story during the woodgrain on beige 80's. They would say the models were completely different every year and the cars had soul. Of course they did, regulations were low and the mad men

Seems the transmission is usually to blame. I have seen more engines outlive their slushbox than vice versa. I wonder what the ratio actually is. Anyway I enjoyed the story about maniacal laughter.

I would imagine many people voted for Trump for reasons outside of race, as hard as that is to conceive of. I get your point but vilifying an entire group only fans the flames of racism. Also every single person who is not white hates Trump? A lot of hyperbole here. Do you believe people really determine their

In all fairness Trump has only been in office for 45 days. Did he say no funding or cut the funding? As far as I understand it congress still needs to go through the budgeting process so a number has not yet been determined. His EO stated per a PBS story:

Maybe they were parked illegally and tagged by a wannabe Batman? You have to start with parking violations and work your way up before you fight the Joker.

“After passing into another dimension I was assaulted by plumbers, gorillas and dinosaurs firing the shells of deceased turtles.”

I wonder how many times you have heard the phrase “Quit whining” in your lifetime. I would wager a couple of times already today. Conservatives did not crawl up into a ball and lash at the world when Obama was elected. We carried on like adults. Trump is a mess but whining and bitching does nothing. Join an advocacy