
Well you know, when a new pickup truck is easily 50 large.

I buy nothing but used cars and have had the same if not better reliability than people I know who bought new. Its all about who drove it, how they drove it and maintenance records. I also made sure I replaced all fluids and known flaws/failures when I bought. Still far cheaper than a new car. You guys must have

With F150s easily reaching 50K they are almost like home loans. I guess they are offering some incredible interest rates and rebates but it seems like you always overpay if you buy new.

Todays generation thinks we can just talk everything out. Chamberlain felt the same. War should always be the absolute last option but Japan left us with little choice. Everything I have seen details the amount of thought we put into dropping the bomb and weighing the losses a ground war would represent. Japan at the

To each his own, I can completely understand an attachment to a particular car. However a 1987 Maxima? Heck I’d go for a 1996 Maxima or a 1994 Legend, heck an ‘87 Legend. However I guess it is more about the memories than the model.

Is this practical? No. Does it make a good PR stunt to show how hip UPS is? Not really.

What grade of plastic was this molded from? More fake Jeeps, I know they sell but just like any other compact/crossover. Just as cheaply made and less reliable.

Actually those in the majority, be it society or the WNBA, will usually exercise power and be perceived as bullies. Regardless of race, orientation, etc, its human nature. You are making some broad assumptions to protect your view that someone who isn’t heterosexual could not possibly be a bully.

Just want to say I totally agree with you. However as you have seen if you even dare to not agree even without taking sides you are hit by snarky responses and memes from immature pajama boys living in their Mom’s basement. There is no debate, only lectures. Yet the democrats still can’t figure out why they lost the

Wow, tunnel vision much? If you can’t admit that there is a party first mentality on both sides you aren’t even worth debating. You do realize the GOP and Trump are at odds right? Yet you present some unified front. Please the GOP is as bumbling as ever.

The Man has not done anything yet, these are some broad worst case predictions. Is the sky falling yet chicken little?

He didn’t even say he was against your politics, he just said more tech less politics. A lot of people on both sides have had enough and seek an escape. Yet someone dares not agree with you and you attack with snarky anger. Still wondering why you lost the election?

Angry much? Sheesh take a Xanax.

Geez man, are you angry in a basement somewhere? The man just asked for tech articles sans politics. I’m sure you are going to convert a lot of people by calling them names. Unless you want this to turn into a trash political blog like those on the alt right.

I love lamp, also John Wick.

If Harrison Ford could fly a mustang, death from above.

I also wrench on the street out of necessity, knew I was an amateur, this confirms it.

That and work trucks. I’ve seen more work vehicles with huge dents like they regularly powerslide into telephone polls. The other day the work van being used by some house flippers next door backed into my car on the street and tried to weasel out of it. They just don’t give a f***.

According to illegal defenders immigration law is determined by immigrants and the constitution applies to non citizens. Borders and citizenship are dead, welcome to the post constitutional society.