
You sound like real fun at parties you self righteous snot.

Yet he did not plan the raid. The article said it was rumored to have already been approved by Obama. The death of a man and especially a child is no laughing matter and clearly many unforeseen things happened, such as the bad landing. Trump could be guilty of not reviewing the plan and rushing to action however

Love it! However can we get a modern LR engine by any chance? Had a ‘95 LWB that accelerated like a city bus and that had the most Robust version of the Rover/Buick V8, 200bhp.

If this was 15-20 years ago she would only have access to hard plastics and laughably fake wood.

I also heard someone got a papercut as soon as Trump took office, totally his fault.

Hyperbole much, jump to the most extreme conclusions? Grow up.

Starting your argument with “You fucking dumbass” pretty much negates any chance anyone will listen to you. Do you smug liberals ever learn. Also military life is not civilian life and god forbid the troops be proud of the commander and chief rather than a president that resented them for 8 years. The left needs to

Troops supporting the commander and chief, my word! I don’t even know how we became so backwards and self loathing. Democrats have Obama hats, Obama shirts, heck most still have Obama ‘08 bumper stickers. However god forbid, ONE Trump flag, its the Nazis!!!! This incredibly immature behavior just keeps digging a

Well we had eight years of rhetoric and golf. I guess a nice speech is your #1 executive priority.

In all fairness you could make the case that Trump is racist against Mexicans or those of Arabic descent and others but besides campaigning on law and order and against BLM I don’t recall him bashing black people. Seems like he campaigned more to blacks than recent GOP nominees.

Little more than grandstanding, no way she was going to stay on during a Trump administration. The normal step is to resign and then make your criticisms. She forced them to fire her by refusing to execute her duties in order to raise her profile/ make some kind of statement.

To be fair, I’m never quite sure what TSA and customs are actually doing.

From what I have seen in DC, not quite the same. Drivers do not regularly blow through stop signs and red lights and split lanes. Cars also don’t roll up onto sidewalks when the road is congested and almost run over pedestrians. Not to mention the Sunday drivers going 5mph on a beach cruiser, blocking lanes during

Well you just cost yourself thousands and gave an auto shop business, lesson learned I’d say.

Did the drivers also land sans pants?

The guy who’s taxes pay for your welfare? Yeah screw that guy! Also screw people who mention politics at every turn, enough!

Did he develop:

From my experience used car shopping you can usually tell when a “large person” owned a car. The driver’s seat is normally caved in and most of the material has been worn away.

Really, we are throwing Muslims into internment camps? Hyperbole much? Once again, a boneheaded way to go about it, no doubt. Did not think it through and simply executed but I do not think the intention was to ruin families.

and you just got hit with the Gawker title wave of middle school level insults. Didn’t realize liberals had so much time to work on cars in between their hand wringing.