
Basically he said in the most long winded way “You are an idiot because your political beliefs differ from mine.” Pretty much the zenith of liberal political thought these days.

and, exactly why you lost the election. First of all you take a temporary ban on immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries and turn it into “Trump wants to ban all Islamic immigrants forever because he is evil!” Then when anyone tries to point out that isn’t exactly right they are hit with “racist, bigot, nazi!”

Pretty much every article Orlove writes is political whining, with a sprinkle of automotive news to justify a political lecture on an auto blog.

That doesn’t support liberal talking points. Hollywood is spouting this as a ban on all immigrants forever.

Another example of the tolerance of the left. This is a temporary ban. An extremely boneheaded execution yes but this is exactly what Trump promised, more extreme vetting. This will not be a permanent ban but the overreaction has been astounding and I guess we can expect 4 years of college protests and civil

Negative free. I mean you know the thing is going to fall apart, gotta keep that POS running.

Forget a chicken in every pot, the new American dream is a garage and a lift. When house shopping I will be starting with the garage.

Clearly Oldy Olsen

Always saddened to hear about engine on engine violence. What I remember best is vinyl everywhere, a heater that blew out smoldering pieces of pine straw and using a roll of duct tape as a cup holder.

Ehhh... impressive size and power but still don’t trust Russian nuclear vessels. Their accident ratio is well in the double digits whereas the US Navy still has a perfect record or at least did under Rickover. The Lenin, the first nuclear icebreaker suffered two nuclear accidents on its own. They seem to have been

I highly doubt you have ever met with or done a deal with Trump, so thanks for the little fantasy. Also Obama, Mr. pen and a phone, Mr. I do treaties and legislate without congress. Yeah what a compromise. But that was all the GOP’s fault right. You had democrats in congress saying the do not recognize Trump as

Case and point, starting an argument with “Fuck you” is not a valid retort. Still wondering how the democrats managed to alienate so many people. Also race, race, race, race, 24/7. Get some help.

Like the cars, set designs, David Putty and NPH. However totally unwatchable if you don’t have kids. Just bad writing and frustratingly oblivious characters. The strangest thing is Joan Cusack, always seems like she is high as the bejesus bells. Tried watching a few episodes with my niece and seems like a lot of flash

Roy and Tony Shalhoub were the stars, we all know it.

What’s in a name? Everything!

Super and turbo charged Briggs and Stratton one cylinder. Super easy upkeep, only one spark plug! You would need new head gaskets and cylinder rings every 10K.

Has Detroit been declared a war zone yet, a la Escape from NY? Donald Trump will play Donald Pleasence’s role.

Had a light blue 1984 Ranger. It’s true, easy to fix, runs forever. Just watch those head gaskets on the 2.9L V6. Put a good size dent in it during a basketball pickup game. Just banged on the door panel a few times and it popped right out.

I got a Che quote: “I helped usher in a murderous regime in Cuba and then was kicked out for being too nuts even for Castro.” Hows that Marxist Leninist communism working out for Cuba, or Vietnam or Laos ?

You mean like the guy yelling racial slurs at John Lewis at a Trump rally that there is zero proof of even after offering a $100,000 reward for said proof? The childish temper tantrums and violence of the left is well documented.