
Looks like he was deliberately trying to get attention and cause a disturbance. Then when something finally happens he blames white people and screams racism. FU, we don’t need your manufactured outrage. Regardless of race, sex or creed there are self absorbed jerks like this guy everywhere.

Indeed, actions speak louder than words. Plus can anyone say a racist thought has never crossed their mind, ever? It is how we choose to act on our thoughts and feelings that defines who we are. Also we are sick of the left who consider themselves morally superior and infallible and are smug about it.

Bill Cosby never ran for president, once you are in the public eye and not a private citizen all bets are off. Until we actually see a video not buying it.

Ted Knight had two emotions, extremely giddy or ridiculously pompous and serious. That is why he was brilliant.

Exactly, Weinstein and co would put up the defense/pay the bills. The leaker would be a liberal hero! Does not add up, Billy Bush lost his job over his release.

Until we actually see a video this is all just hearsay and Tom Arnold isn’t exactly Mr. Reliability. Heck I have a tape of Trump kicking puppies. If it’s negative about Trump you guys will buy it no matter what. I mean totally believable about Trump but whatever happened to proof?

He never promised people would buy crappy cars, he can’t run the company for GM.

They need to get rid of their McDonalds like theme song.

Now that Mercury is gone where can I get a gussied up Ford? Lincoln! It’s barely luxury.

Should go to Stoner’s Pot Palace, blatant false advertising. (Otto-Simpsons)

It is a shame because it is still far, far better than any taxi, I would hate to go back. Cabbies were under a controlled system so it was lowest common denominator. The cabs were disgusting and old, the cabbies would often try to take you for a ride and they never took cards. Also you get to hear a really loud

He said all hate crime hoaxes go like ____. He did not say all hate crimes are hoaxes. Jump to conclusions much? You forgot to yell racist.

Not sure what you are talking about. Unless some comments have been deleted the worst comments I have seen is people asking if there is any evidence beyond an unnamed witness who said he saw two white guys. Not sure how asking questions and not immediately taking everything at face value is racist. Differing

I agree a lot of holes here and little proof. Someone saw two white guys is the only evidence. Not sure why two white guys would target a random black guy driving an old import, what a payday! Also one who is a father and a veteran. Not saying it didn’t happen, totally could. However lots of assumptions and on this

Always weary about people boosting a car’s power. If you upgrade the internals and transmission to cope fine but otherwise seems like you are buying a bomb with a shortened fuse. However if the engine and transmission already have the internals to handle a 50%+ boost in power then great.

Robble Robble

Clearly staged, Note the lack of a horizontal striped uniform and hamburgler mask.

Chinese copy something? Nooooo, you don’t say.

So hock Doritos, entertain baby boomers then no more leasing? Thanks Jay! Seriously though he is doing exactly what I and I’m assuming many on here would do if we had his bank balance.

Unorthodox engine, real sedan styling, unique touches? Volvo is back!