
To me it isn’t disagreement, totally expect and welcome that. It is the petulant and smug writing and responses as if the author truly believes they are smarter and more capable. Sure, that is why you are writing blog articles at Starbucks, through a cruel twist of fate your genius was never recognized. Must be

Sorry, GOP won. What happened to all the celebrities moving to Canada? Canada didn’t want them either?

Another brilliant Gizmodo poster. Most of the country eh? Considering the 2 million popular votes came from the west coast don’t you mean California? Weren’t they going to secede? The GOP has been blasted by a partisan media for decades, unlike thin skinned snowflake liberals we can take a punch, but now we have the

Hey but when Obama oversaw an IRS that targeted conservative groups and a Justice Department that ignored laws they didn’t agree with that was a-ok right? All is good when your guy is in charge, door swings both ways.

All Trump supporters are racist again, eh? Can you at least try to be an original moron?

Now I have to know, what are this man’s top 100 movies? I would wager Battlefield Earth, Year One and Rocky V are in the mix.

Well if he is insane and clearly verbose seems he is on his way to classical novelist, Proust Jr.

I’m no fanboy and even I know that anyone who mentions Attack of the Clones among the best has immediately disqualified him/herself. Was it Hayden’s whiny confusion that pushed it over the top? Get outta here!

Pretty much, their descriptions are formulaic at this point. Racist, sexist, homophobe, bully, waaah, waaah, waaaah!

Wow, you know Trump personally and you can predict the future? Please don’t buy anymore smug, looks like you are stocked up.

How many people are actually advocating killing abortion doctors, a few nuts? Do the people who made death threats to Trump represent the entire democrat party? Who is beating up gays? Iranians? Gutting the middle class? You mean like having zero wage increase over the past 8 years and no reduction in taxes and making

I would guess Italian Pagliacci before KKK. Wait, are Italian clowns white supremacists?

Got to ask, if there were as many hacked RNC emails released would this be an issue? I don’t like outside interference but isn’t revealing secrets of the elites what makes Snowden a hero in the eyes of many? If the DNC emails did not show collusion with the press over debate questions and getting rid of Sanders this

So when is that hairy differential coming out?

Is any of it illegal? The article stated this is not uncommon among jet owners and it seems he is spreading out the tax instead of paying a large chunk upfront. If it seems unfair change the tax code. Not saying Trump has not done some unscrupulous things but people of means often hire tax attorneys to find loopholes

Maybe it’s the diet, genetics or environment but it seems the English rarely look younger than their age. It is either spot on or much older. Then again they don’t feel as much of a need to use the prettiest people possible in every TV show. Exception may be Elizabeth Hurley.

Love these guys but they are a bit long in the tooth, especially the prematurely aged Clarkson. Honestly on some of their trips like Jeremy in the Andes I thought one would have a heart attack/stroke but when two hosts are pushing 60 (well one really) and engage in no exercise apparently you cannot keep going forever.

Most US companies who try to scam like Chinese companies would be out of business or sued into the ground by now. China does not have the same consumer protection and to get off the ground you still need to bribe the right people. Consumer protection barely exists in China, business ethics not a strong subject.

Step 1: Massively overhype an idea

NapTyme? Blazed hit man?