
Seriously, saying he didn’t murder that many people makes him ok? So if your son killed someone you would say “At least he isn’t Ted Bundy.” Your thinking is a little sick man.

Amazing the excuses that the left makes for the Castro family. Just like in America, always an excuse for lefties. Sure he had a few people killed here and there but free health care! At least the state wants you to have a long, miserable life, or else!

So he just murdered people occasionally? Just a few disappearances here and there? Why he is practically a saint!

Cuba trades with almost everyone but the US. Boy have you been sold a bill of goods, the only thing holding Cuba back is the murderous Castro family and their grip on power.

What a hero! Castro said “Hey! If anyone is going to kill, starve and generally treat the Cuban people like dirt its gonna be me!” I guess Stalin had an upside too right? Idiot.

No better than a president who gives lectures not speeches. He isn’t even in office yet, lets see what happens before you rush to judgement. We gave Obama a chance too. As someone who had a grandparent who lived under Franco in Spain and have met many Cuban refugees dictators like Castro was no joke. He was not some

Not sure what his comment had to do with Trump, one track mind much? Gloria Allred is the Judge Judy of attorneys, no cameras, no case.

They should be delighted. Tesla drivers could likely exceed 80 MPH and commit the most heinous crime according to the code of Virginia’s laws, 10 over!!!

Do people in Minnesota really bring blankets with them to the dealership?

Will there also be an optional retirement countdown on the dashboard and an alarm that only goes off on April 15? Toyota: life is practical.

Series II, still the best looking Legend/RL IMO. Simple but organic.

If you have 6 hours to go....

So all the sudden corruption in government agencies is important when your horse loses? Trump isn’t going to drain the swamp but the corruption and dysfunction that brought us Trump/Pence has been simmering for decades and infected both parties.

In my corporate career I find that the vast majority of executives and professionals I encounter really do have time for little else than their jobs. Therefore they may think the 220,221 conversation from Mr. Mom was legitimate. The only defense I can think of is most large BMWs, Jaguars, Mercs, Cadillacs, Etc are

Sure, thats why the FBI reopened a case, because they wanted to reaffirm how legally she acted. Did she have servers and personal devices destroyed because she was afraid they would be too legal? Come on Clinton, Trump, both reprehensible, take off the blinders.

Kinda like this lady, used to work for the government, called classified documents “my email”.

Is it like destroying evidence and being investigated by the FBI twice. Wanna take the 5th? You’ll fit right in!

Sorry, shitty legal loophole does not top actual criminal investigations. Is Trump a rude, crass, womanizing, money hording bastard? No denying that. However he isn’t a scheming fake as the day is long career politician who destroys evidence and has long bouts of amnesia when it comes to specifics. You know what, it

At Five guys, the fries are packing peanuts for the burger.

“Ahhhh! A Shark!” “How did it get up here in the sky?” “Who cares, you fool! Do You want to get eaten?”