
Wow the amount of delusion and lopsidedness in this thread. Really, even after the thousands of emails showing collusion and favoritism between the press and Hillary’s campaign you don’t think Trump has been hit hard enough. Clearly the man has no filter and is not a role model but every single thing he has said has

Wow, is this site run by snarky middle schoolers? Seriously get over yourselves.

It is a crappy re-badged Fiat, we should feel fortunate that it stops at all.

$10 that guy is listening to “Won’t get fooled again” and getting ready to whip off his sunglasses while talking to the dog.

Exactly if the market doesn’t bear it they wouldn’t sell.

That beard will come in someday bro. In the meantime try to stop applying your eyeliner while driving.

So did that guy make his money in donuts or trash collection?

You’ll have ‘er back in 4 years...

Look out Toonces!

Pretty sure they will put a big wheel lane and shuffling old lady lane soon. As bikes can go anywhere now we need more incredibly slow and dangerous objects on the road.

My associate don’t take kindly to no, can I fill you up or what? Ah the golden days of Sunny.

What is this, Dubai?

You mean every post where he shows the political bias of a college freshman.

The fact is you will never see a disparaging piece about Hillary on here, EVER! Orlove is a political hit man masquerading as a car journalist. His comments are as sophomoric and biased as your average Gawker poster. If they would dish out equal treatment to Hillary it would be all good but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Is this guy Ashton Kutcher circa 1999? “He’s pushing his car, Buuuurrrrn!”

Pep Boyed to hell, I love it! Chromed skull shift lever not even fit for a children’s toy, Buick V8 portholes of a similar shoddiness, why not? Throw in a skipping head unit and some green speakers and your ****box is complete!

Rich white guys take unsold garbage, repackage and sell to other stupid rich guys. Sounds like the housing crash.

Wow they somehow made a Bentley look cheap and poorly built. I would not be surprised if the interior was veneer.

Seems redundant, your average Mustang is set up to constantly simulate the driving experience of being attached to an unstable trailer.

Love the quotes. “This is really stupid. Please do not attempt this outside of Florida. With that said on with the idiocy!”