
But hey if you can’t beat em, blame your failures on someone else.

Shouldn’t he be eating Candy?

Wow, someone has been taking notes in class, think for yourself much? So you think it is more productive for someone to blame other people rather than improve themselves? This man’s argument might hold water if not for the fact that there are minorities in NASCAR. Maybe they just don’t like this guy, regardless of

Basically it is about looking for ways to improve yourself, not looking for someone to blame. That is how you improve your situation in life.

Meat smoker in the front? Who wouldn’t love the smell of slow roasted BBQ with the top down?

In all fairness he is a lame duck now, no one is listening to him.

You know I can’t afford to buy her pearls

The sport van with the 5 spokes? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Sorry we are passed the criticizing any black person is racist stage. That card has reached its limit.

Don’t remember “deal with the darkies” being part of Trumps platform. He is on the side of law and order however, unless you prefer unjustified riots of course. If there is corruption in the police weed it out, destroying property and injuring innocent people does not further a cause.

I’m totally not kidding here, I think it is a cry for help, in the worst possible way of course. Some of these people have no future and blame others. Some of their handicaps are real but most were created by their own actions. It is frustration with their own failures when you get down to it, that and groupthink.

Hey I once had a CPD officer pull me out of my car when I was trying to hand him my license and registration. Another officer had to calm him down and I ended up being let go because of it. They can be assholes no doubt but a black cop shooting a black man is not caused by white racism. total scapegoat.

Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, prefer not to think about it.

Ummm, Trump is actually larger than Bill especially since he is a withered husk of his old self. If we are talking brawl my money would be on Trump, plus Bill has heart problems.

As a former Charlotte resident this is sad, always such an easygoing town. However I fail to see how a black officer shooting a black citizen prompts the beating of a white man in a parking garage and a call for a ban on white businesses. The protesters are determined to make this a racial issues and reinforce the

Remember when Jeremy filled an old S-class with cement and made it worse? Pretty much then same with the Maybach. Bentley, RR and even the new Maybach are top notch, world class if you want to drop a crazy amount of money. These old Maybachs were actually worse than the S-Class they were based on. Looks like a bunch

Norway has officially taken the anal title from Germany, congrats!

With the customary occasional Russian reactor leak.

Why is “east bound and down” not playing over the video?