
In the future all styling will be boring and ambiguous. Styling is for the bourgeoisie comrade. You should feel lucky government allows you to own carski.

Kudos to GM for building an affordable electric car to compete with Tesla. With that said I just cannot drive a little cube car like a smart car or a Honda Fit. Almost no way to make them look cool, not a car you want to be seen in.

It may be more fair to say long trucks are not good off road. Like a barge looking for a sandbar.

1000 Stars, thinking the exact same thing. The SS Highwoods Office Park.

I remember when Jeep used to be rough and tumble or at least practical and reliable. Now they seem to be designed for people who wear fannie packs and sunscreen on their nose when they go out into public.

I am looking forward to the self working jobs and self paying taxes.

So I guess Hillary was serious when she called anyone who supports Trump a xenophobic deplorable. Racism, sexism, rinse and repeat. If you ain’t with me your agin me, eh?

The Washington Post would actually be worse. Thanks for proving you are closed minded and proud of it.

The early 2000s Maybach always reminded me of when people used to put Rolls Royce grills on Cadillacs. Just buy a M-B and put an uglier grill on it.

When is the statue being unveiled?

In a city with mass transit there is little excuse, plenty of options to get to work. I hardly see struggling mothers and homeless riding bikes. Its mainly hipsters and guys in 3 piece suits or dress shirts or women in pants suits. The bus and subway have little difference in price when compared to the bike share. I

Living in DC honestly I see maybe one car run a red light for every 100 cyclists. A good 50% just wait until they see an opening and blatantly run a red light. A car may sneak through a yellow but I have never seen a car take off straight through a red light after sitting for 10 seconds. It is seriously dangerous,

Yes they do run red lights and stop signs. They call in a rolling stop and among bike riding circles they have convinced themselves it is allowed. They use sidewalks and the road and demand right of way on both. The buses and trains will run anyway, so you aren’t saving the earth unless you would use a car otherwise.

89 is the top speed right? Still can’t believe that PRV piece of junk was the best engine they could source.

Only when Orlove posts or articles from the liberal mothership migrate over. Make Jalopnik a politics free zone please!

But, but ,but, Trump says mean things and looks weird. Meanwhile Hillary’s own colleagues question her ethics and competency.

Now you get it, one way or another they will tell you what to think. Can we get more articles on her from Tracy, Tavarish and Torch, you know, actual car guys who keep politics out of it? Orlove loves to post political hit pieces with a sprinkling of automotive news.

I can’t wait for Orlove’s next political hit piece somehow classified as car news. What is next “Hillary buys BMW but is also found to have a heart of solid gold and never tells lies.” I don’t think Trump is great at all but how about a little balance, I have not seen one article from this guy criticizing a democrat,

DRLs are only required in Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Countries that are notoriously overcast and known for wintry weather.

Clearly the Toyota driver was in the wrong and had been warned before but the cop was also being nit-picky and a hypocrite it seems. You are right, someone should have been the bigger man and said “lets go to Autozone right now and knock both of these out, deal?”