
But here at Gawker you can get car news with politics and snark injected, hooray.

Seriously? Get out of here. Criticism of a country that is not the US is not racism. Is it news to you that many suspect products are produced in China with quality issues?

Seems like a great guessing game, high, drunk or just stupid.

What was the random coat hanger abortion argument? Yeah the baby id dead either way. That is why god is attacking the American economy, of course!

In that case by all means go for the lotto.

Agreed, how about double parking during rush hour or my personal favorite, forgoing the sidewalk and walking down the middle of the street.

Believe me the stupids are everywhere. In DC people think don’t walk is a suggestion, double park all the time in rush hour and do u-turns in the middle of the street. Also my personal favorite, walking down the middle of the street when there is a perfectly good sidewalk on either side and then getting mad when

Another brilliant Gawker reply!

Average Gawker poster:

China, the only place where the steamroller of progress will literally run you over.

Pretty much sums up the comments here, so tolerant.

Looks like they finally learned the same lesson Jaguar did. Ton of horsepower and no grip equals fishtail city.

Pretty much, every time I go to the gas station I see the same people buying lottery tickets every time, people who clearly could use that money for something else.

Those who complained are no longer a problem.

Nope, it’s a big ol intolerant liberal cesspool where those who disagree are idiots and should die. This is modern discourse eh? So Kap is now a saint and anyone who pokes holes in his argument is evil. All cops are racist and wake up every morning with an overwhelming desire to hunt black people. This is the sole

Welcome to Gawker and it’s affiliates. Anyone who does not agree wholeheartedly should die and is a psycho. Oh liberal tolerance.

Anyone who has a gripe should spit on their country? So if everything isn’t perfect just whine and make it about you? We’re doomed.

So anyone who does not believe that all police departments are racist and that Colin may be doing this for personal gain is a racist? Real open mind you have there. Just like racism causes people to look unfavorably on an entire group based on the impression they get from a few the same viewpoint has been taken

How bout we take a 5 minute break? Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em!