
Yup, the new tolerance of the liberal left. anyone who thinks differently is an old white xenophobic racist scumbag. Because citizens of a country should have no say in the future of their country. Seems the US and UK are the only countries that get crap for daring to enforce borders and immigration. Yet almost every

The Washington Post often writes about things they would like to see instead of actual news.

Yes but ultimate control is still in the hands of a human. People run red lights but that is really neither here nor there. I did not realize we have had self driving cars since 1996. There is a difference between a computer controlling fuel injection or emergency stopping and one completely driving the car.

Your are clearly snarky and self absorbed with an unearned sense of self satisfaction. It would be a waste of time to converse with you. Is that offensive snowflake? Go around calling everyone else stupid and you may get some flack. Also if there is so much stupid why do you return, to snark people into your idea of

Hate to tell you but history did not start when you were born. Disregarding the past and values learned dooms you to repeat it. I do not need to reassure myself about my intelligence or achievements. That was merely a response to your ignorant blanket statement that those who disagree with your opinion are idiots.

Repair bill, repair bill, repair bill. The English and over-engineering, constant bedfellows.

This is tragic but not unexpected. Does your modem or computer never glitch out and need to be rebooted? I realize computers all over the world carry out trillions of important tasks every day but usually with human oversight. I’m not putting my life into the hands of a machine.

You mean literally exploding with distortion right?

Thanks for unnecessarily injecting politics into this discussion while showing your intolerant smugness at the same time.

So when you roll down the window next to a E60 would you just throw a jar of Grey Poupon at them? Oh those poors.

Clearly this is the gun’s fault. Hopefully they will arrest and prosecute the gun.

It’s hell with dry heat sir.

Does the logo feature an obnoxious, overhyped radio DJ that wears glasses? No? Then I like it.

I questions the need for features like autopilot and self parking. Seems like more things to go wrong and even though I sound like the general from War Games I don’t trust a “damn machine” to do the driving for me at highway speeds. Yes I know planes have autopilot but also more room for corrections.

The whole “telling it like it is” stuff is really just code someone telling you what you already wanted to hear.

That is when nationalism extends to imperialism, like we are seeing in China’s land grab. Britain just doesn’t want the frankly destructive path that Europe is going down to be forced on them. You seem to be focusing on the negatives of pride in country, which you would undoubtedly point to Germany. However you could

Yeah we will have a whole generation of spoiled, entitled brats who can’t fend for themselves. What a future! BTW I am not old or white but I will put my GPA, SATs, LSATs and IQ up against yours any day sonny.

Everyone who disagrees with my opinion is stupid. Please keep dazzling us with your 3rd grade level reasoning.

Someone who differs from your opinion is not a hater, slow your roll there judgementor.

Having an opinion does not always equal hate. The definition of hate has a very low threshold these days.