
Yes, the internet criticism knows no bounds!

Arizona has been very hot for a long time. We have heard about cooking steaks on a rock and CDs melting in cars back in the day. Its a freaking desert!

Are you saying paw?

I think the UK will be just fine. The rational world is tiring of this PC nonsense and unwelcome and ungrateful immigrants. Political theory also dictates that an overreach will result in a correction. The globalists have overreached and here comes the reaction/correction.

Exactly, still don’t understand how they equate not wanting open borders = racist fear. The dangers and results of unchecked immigration are evident, how dare they protect their country and culture, bigots!

You mean like not enough EBT cards, Obama phones, tax refunds for illegal immigrants?

I agree how dare they think for themselves. Unchecked immigration and cultural erosion does not affect me behind my walls and gates. Why can’t these peasants just get private estates?

Sounds like you should Brexit yourself. To Syria perhaps, maybe Iran. People are soooooo tolerant there.

They weighed the cost of potentially losing business against the cost of millions of unchecked immigrants overtaxing public welfare and increasing crime. I would say it looks like the year of smug know it all liberals like you but that is a constant. Anyone who does not agree with your point of view is stupid right?

That is right have the busted wheel facing the wall, she will never know. Just like flipping the couch cushion, genius!

You should hear Paul F Tompkins talking about Daniel Day Lewis. Never steps out of character. Granted, great actor, however you have to imagine these guys use method acting as an excuse to be an ass sometimes.

Wow, you guys have zero class. That guy had a different viewpoint than you and followed the constitution, glad he’s dead. There are a lot of people I disagree with but I don’t cheer for death. Free tuition, free everything, no borders, down with the police. Keep banging that drum, yes we can..... be China in the 50's.

Glad you mentioned that, 30mpg from a big cushy barge. That is impressive for a car this size even by today’s standards. The only issue with the 3800 series II was the plastic intake manifold that could crack and mix coolant with oil.

Now I want to go to a drunken Irish repair shop where 20 guys sing songs and bang on your car.

Just a lot of Cherokee fanatics on here, myself included. Have you heard of David Tracy?

I think you may be thinking of Jeep products from 2005+. True an old MB Diesel will run forever, slow and plodding but it is bulletproof. However the old Jeep I-6 was about as solid as they come and had plenty of power. Will easily go to 300K without a rebuild. That said I wouldn’t really say a 190e and a Cherokee are

I agree, a Miata over a Cherokee? To each his own I guess.

You turned down a Jeep Cherokee, at 16?!? Was it the 4 cylinder version, was it held together with duct tape? Don’t get this at all.

A truck that size should only be powered by a diesel or V10. I wonder what one of these with a 3.5L Ecoboost would be like?

I agree, we all have our love for certain cars just like we all love different types of food. There seems to be an unusual amount of people who want to hate because your vehicle is large. Did they have to pay for it? No. An alarming amount of people who seem to think they can tell you what to do and think these days.