
Clearly you do not actually live in DC. How exactly does vehicle traffic stop an underground train from running? Tons of people depend on metro and they continually ask for more money, raising gas taxes in Northern VA and raising ticket prices yet fixing nothing. Metro has long been known for poor attitudes/customer

Shhhhh, pro public transport people don’t want to hear the truth. Just like they don’t want to hear 95% of bike riders run red lights and stop signs and don’t give a **** about anyone else on the road. Most metro employees I see are just struggling to look competent.

Heavy rainstorms are one of the few things DC metro is not responsible for. With that said if you want a microcosm of government run anything look at DC metro. Crappy service, crumbling, inept employees, bloated pay, always over budget.

As a former Jiffy Lube employee in high school I would say about once a week. The people who worked there were either HS students or drunks. Who else would work for minimum wage? Examples include breaking off customer’s oil sensors, starting cars with no oil in them, filling a car without draining it and draining a

Delicious tripe!

If he was a guy working at the local garage then yeah. However he is a celebrity in the public eye, all is fair. Overall I don’t care, there are bigger things to worry about than the feelings of celebrities who choose to be in the public eye and are well compensated for it. It’s not like he is forced into being the VW

Are you suggesting Clarkson never had backlash? He received criticism all the time and deservedly so. Do you feel bad for Clarkson? Clarkson and Evans can both be insufferable bores at times but at least Clarkson is entertaining and self deprecating. Evans is too scripted and just comes off like a tool. Sorry that is

Ah the Pontiac Aztec theory.

Gas mileage and people who get absolutely no pleasure from driving and have no interest in working on their own car. Same people who want the self driving car.

Looks significantly less emasculating than the Prius.

Mustangs have to be the best selling car in Florida right?

When driving it seems like Motorweek on meth. The old three hosts would give a personal spin on the car or make an amusing metaphor, you know, have fun. Evans just rattles off all of he specs as quickly as he can, I almost expect to hear him talking about financing and dealer incentives.

I’m telling you guys he is Bricktop from snatch, feed you to the pigs he will.

Well he isn’t doing it for charity and his ego played a large part in getting him where he is. Don’t feel bad for UK Chris Evans, if you are in the public eye you have to deal with opinions and reactions. I’m sure he knew that full well going in and I doubt this is the most serious backlash he has received in his

I mean really his garage is bigger and nicer than my house.

Every time I see a LeBaron I hear Rip Torn saying “Damn right it’s a LeBaron, good car!”

As John Cleese said “Hey, we had an empire to run!”

Vote for TR6!

Hey, VW has bills and fines to pay.

Yes two incidents sum up the whole nation, generalize much?