
I love Married to the Mob, one of my favorites. It is just so relentlessly odd. Matthew Modine crawling squeakily into that tiny twin bed with Michelle Pfeiffer makes me laugh every time. I might need to rewatch it tonight, in memoriam.

I had roaches in my college apartment, and they completely colonized the phone. It was awful.


Earwigs? Those give me the willies.

I'm going to argue for vertical video when recording people, because it is a portrait. A portrait is traditionally oriented vertically. Even if that portrait is a moving one, it is still a portrait of a person doing a thing, which is also vertical. Extraneous visual information on each side is distracting, and often

I speak English and German, and Dutch is like right…there…but I just can't quite get it. So many common words with both languages, but also a lot of words that look similar but mean something completely different.

I had to stay in that hotel village once after our plane came in too late to make our connection to sunny California. It was snowing, and our hotel was right next to a Harley Davidson museum and a truck stop, with no other restaurants within walking distance. Did I mention we were there with our three kids on

Um, no? I did this solely on wide pedestrian streets in Germany, and I was never rude about it. The traffic on those streets isn't directional, and there was always room to either split or go around. It was merely a social experiment, and I only did it one summer when I was young and dumb. I just thought it was

I used to do what I called "couple-busting" when I would walk down a crowded street with a friend. As long as you look at each other rather than directly at the people walking toward you, you could usually get the couple to let go of hands and split apart. I just found it fascinating that some people would let go, and

Nope. You can get Kraft Singles, the ones wrapped in cellophane, in the US, but they aren't real American cheese. The real stuff can be pre-sliced, but it will not be pre-wrapped.

There is no equivalent cheese in Canada. I know, I have tried to find it, living up here. The cellophane wrapped slices, which are "processed cheese food" are not the same thing. Real American cheese is really quite delicious, and yes, makes the best grilled cheese.

I was at the playground with my three-year-old one time, and was excitedly pointing out a bunny to her. The bunny unfortunately got spooked by someone mowing their lawn and darted into the road, getting immediately creamed by a car that did not slow for an instant. I was pointing it out to my daughter and going "Oh,

"Starz's" makes my head hurt. I mean, I know it is technically correct, but it is so ugly, in both look and sound. Say it with me! Starz's! With extra sibilance!

Yes, I kept expecting a little more from each pick's silent scene, but the sound track kept intruding too soon. Pretty ridiculous, really.

The Terry Bisson short story from 1990, They're Made Out of Meat is my point of reference for that joke, but I don't think that's what you're talking about, somehow.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who read "Tom Lehrer". It's hell getting old.

Wow, this was fascinating! Love the stuff about Darth Vader at the end. I had never considered that, but now I will watch for it.

I actually was screaming with laughter and covering my eyes in horror at the same time

Sorry, folks, that's Ailene's Tacky Glue.

Ya know, I used to think he wasn't that great, but this episode was a fantastic showcase for him. I, too, noticed his body language this ep, but couldn't put it as succinctly as you just did. "Withdrawn yet armored" is exactly right. And that last scene with Skeet was amazing.