
I burst into tears at that line on every reading. It is like a major catharsis, after living and breathing Middle Earth for however long it takes you to read the books, to be back and in your body and not living in that world anymore.

Well it's the Model T Ford made the trouble,
made the people wanna go, wanna get, wanna get,
wanna get up and go,
7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 22, 23 miles to the county seat!

I've been making the Smitten Kitchen version ever since the movie came out, highly recommended, and not at all difficult.

This classical musician would like to raise both of her middle fingers to that headline.

Thank you, exactly what I wanted to say.

They are supposed to have all the winners memorized to prevent just this kind of thing from occurring.

I have three children, one movie buff, one indifferent movie watcher, and one who abhors anything not How to Train Your Dragon related. My youngest is the movie buff, she's 5, and will watch anything and everything. She loved ET, and the original Superman, and her favorite movie is The Last Unicorn, which she has

Aw, say it ain't so, Mike. This has been a wonderful column to read, and I am sad to see it go. That said, this particular scene, and your writing about it, is so perfect, I actually teared up at the end. I am a sucker for a great ending.

I'm with you. I suffer from extreme second-hand embarrassment, and actually wish I had not been watching last night, and could just read about it happening the next day and never, ever watch the video, ever. Took me two hours to get over the adrenaline surge.

Oh man, you could feel the rage boiling off of him, couldn't you?

Ohh, stop. You guys are making me blush.

Fair enough. And yay, I got downvoted by Whovian! I can now die happy.

That was unnecessarily hostile, jeez. #hashtag

Yeah, I don't really see the problem. I didn't even realize it was an animatronic.



I remember seeing something similar, it was a bunch of different well-known film actors doing Shakespeare with some famous acting coach, and Kevin Kline did the "To be, or not to be" soliloquy, and it was as though I had never actually heard the speech before. He was incredible, is what I am saying, and made that

Not a native, but I went to school there, and we called it Ra-cha-cha!