

Thanks, Lucy. Here's your nickel.

I wasn't speaking to the Universe. I was speaking to the other women on this website who might have lost a father and felt that weird little frisson of grief when they read this article, which was also written by a person and not the Universe. I wasn't that upset by the article, but I admit I am growing tired of

You, too! I was merely stating my reaction to the piece. That's why I prefaced it with the "hesitate". The wording just managed to hit me in that "This is too specific to be funny" place, and I thought I would share for others who had the same reaction. Not for you. You have a nice day, now, God.

I hesitate to even say this, but as someone who lost her dad relatively young, your weirdly specific "jokes" in this article felt a bit pointed. It does indeed suck when you you can't have a father-daughter dance at your wedding, and having to tell your kids about the awesome grandfather they didn't get to meet is a

Thank you. This was, of course, the first thing I thought when I saw that headline.


I'm right there with you. It's like 2016 is just stomping up and down on my entire childhood at this point.

Emmet Otter is my all time fave Christmas special, and I got to watch it twice this year, since my 5-year-old loved it, too. I have the dvd, and it has a blooper reel that will make you piss your pants laughing. Frank Oz is a goddamn treasure. You could probably find the bloopers on youtube, as well.

I love Andy Richter. He's just so genial and hilarious at the same time. Oh, and I also stole a candy from the Brach's bulk bin when I was little, and was forced by my mother to pay for it at the huge, terrifying customer service counter. Never stole anything ever again.

Just binge watched this show, such a great time. I wasn't immediately hooked, since I love the books and have read "Teatime" probably 20 times, and it just didn't feel very Adamsy at the beginning. But by about the middle of the second episode, I was on board. Gently is irritating, but he was in the books as well. The

I followed your link on that article from last week, and laughed my ass off. Glad that they posted it as a GJI!

Ha! It does! "I give up, this movie is wonderful and terrible."

Yeah, as someone who's rather a Rube Goldberg aficionado (well, someone who has an autistic son who briefly became obsessed with Rube Goldberg devices and so has seen a lot of them on Youtube) I didn't like this one very much for that exact reason. Each step should be clear, and slow enough so that you can see where

I'd forgotten about those! So great.

Currently, the community reviews are evenly split between A and F, leaving this at a perfect C+. If that's not beautiful, I don't know what is. Don't screw it up, people!

I laughed all the way through this review. I can't imagine the movie could top this.

Yes, I think the entire country of Canada would dispute that Ketchup on Macaroni and Cheese is wrong. Excuse me, "Kraft Dinner." Everyone I have ever met up here eats it like that. Except for one friend's daughter, and she actually apologized for it. The most Canadian thing ever? I think so.

Ritz and jam is my jam. I actually had to stop because I could put away an entire box of Ritz like that, and then feel absolutely awful.

Don't say that he's hypocritical,
Say rather that he's apolitical.