
Everyone should go read that list. I laughed for an embarrassingly long time at some of them. Personal favorites? I gotta go with the perfect pairing of Midwife Cowpoke and Under the Cowboy, followed by Inheritance Sex.

But the second part is "Unless it makes an "A" sound, like "neighbor" or "weigh". The rule has its own built in exceptions.

I couldn't even finish reading the first paragraph before I started skimming through, my eye catching on some of the seemingly hundreds of ridiculous but uninteresting sounding details, and normally I love reading an IV review. This movie exhausts me and I haven't even seen it.

I started imagining the cabs of the Cars cars filled with pulsing brain matter, and now I can't think of anything else when I look at their greyed out side windows.

Wow, this sounds familiar. My boy is also on the high functioning autism spectrum, loved the Cars universe (although his enthusiasm ran to all things Pixar), and has been badgering me for weeks about the damn Switch. He is hilarious, because he knows everything about video game history. Like, you can talk to him about

She voiced one of the chimps in Babe: A Pig in the City, and was completely fabulous. The way her strange, lilting voice melded with the character was magical.

We're gonna run out of cake at this rate!

Carillon Park is nice. The Dayton Art Institute actually has a really nice collection, if he likes art, and is quite a beautiful (yeah, first try!) building. The Oregon District is where to go for drinkin' and live music hearin', it is a cobblestone street lined with bars and restaurants. The Neon Movies, a nice

Thank you! I told someone that where I now live (in Canada) and they looked at me like I had lost my mind. Are you from Ohio?

Oh I realize that, but sometimes I want to take part in a pop culture conversation about whatever is currently big, and I can't 'cause I'm a big scaredy cat.

I am a grown woman with daughters, and I am so happy about this. I imagine my 6-year-old is going to be a WW fan. That said, I am also a big squeamish baby, so I wish more movies wouldn't go to R. I enjoyed Deadpool, for the most part, but man, some of the violence was so off-putting I had to look away. I have an

This special is amazing. I really didn't know anything about it, other than it was reviewed well here, but watched it out of curiosity, and I am SO glad I did. Don't understand people saying it wasn't funny, since I almost pissed my pants laughing at one point. He is such a fantastic storyteller. I agree that some of


Can you fix a hi-fi?

Of what?

I thought she was imaginary on their second meeting, when she was wearing the exact same clothing as at their first meeting, and when she didn't interact with any other actors in the scenes she was in. Pretty clear TV land indication that someone is not actually there. Now, she was wearing different clothes in the

Yellow Submarine.

I had the mute on at first, and the screen was just black, and I thought to myself, "Damn, I'm probably missing some BWAMPs right now." Had to laugh when I turned the sound on.

Yeah, I contemplated a little tinted gloss, but she refused, and who am I to insist she slather on the slap so that the cheap seats can see her smile? Dance recitals are for parents, and like you said, I am perfectly capable of picking my own daughter out of a crowd.

My daughter was in ballet for a few years, and the studio actually sent home a letter about how to apply the "required" makeup for the recital. I basically said, "Fuck that noise" and sent her onstage without makeup. Because she's 8. It was ridiculous.