
This is a well thought out comment, and I applaud you. I will counter, however, with my admittedly subjective story of trying to buy my LEGO-obsessed daughter a set with a female minifig in it (pre-Friends) and the only one being a set where a cop is rescuing a cat from a tree. The owner of the cat was the female. The

You have just nailed his style to the wall. This is exactly the problem I have with his books. They just never cohere, story wise, into anything. They just keep going, and going, and going, which is good for a tv series, but irritating in a book series.

I can't tell you how disappointed I was in the new theme music when I heard it. That original music felt so alien and fantastic, I loved it every time it played. The new one is, indeed, generic, which is code for "boring".


Finally got to see this! Such a great show. I have really enjoyed this season, mainly because of Alison Janney. Her chemistry with Kevin Pollak is fantastic, so the could-be-cheesy romance plot worked for me. Violet's double reversal was predictable, but I am so glad that she decided to go through with the adoption.

I played in a recording of this piece! It is wonderful, isn't it? I actually got to meet Steve Reich when we played it at an all-Reich concert, he was very charming. And "Tehillim" remains one of my favorite musical memories.

To be fair, this was in the 80s and early 90s, and I believe it was a special program for mothers. But I am just saying, it isn't unheard of to find decent financial assistance if you are poor and raising children.

Um, no, I was born and raised in the U.S. I used that phrase because I now live in Canada. But my mom went to "a" university in Ohio. And it might not have been entirely free, but she came out of it with a master's degree and no debt.

Loved this episode. I really think the writing and acting on this show is fantastic. The way they introduced the adoptive parents ("This is my husband, Jeff." "I'm Jeff.") completely gave us the characters' personalities and relationship. I hope they do follow through on the adoption, because it would be nice to see

Also, there might be some kind of program to pay for school for older students. I know my mom went to university when she was in her late 30s with two kids, and it cost her nothing at all.

Isn't the "The night was…" scene directly lifted from Throw Momma From the Train?

Well, that sounds disappointing. Although a mediocre Pratchett book is still pretty damn good, really. I am (obviously) a fan of the Watch novels, but I do enjoy the "Ankh Morpork gets a new technology" ones as well, although I feel like Going Postal was the best of those. I guess I'll just have to read it to find

Agreed, although the witches are in my "must read" list. I could take or leave the wizard books, though.

Yup. I love Pratchett (obviously) but Monstrous Regiment was a disappointment from beginning to end.

Disqus yanked my reply, I shall try again: Thanks! I actually do know how to spell "Fernsehen", don't know how that V ended up in there. I actually was more worried about my grammar, which has always been fucked up. I lived in Germany for a while, and my pronunciation was great, but my grammar was terrible, so Germans

Welche ist richtig, die Erste oder die Zweite? Ich habe die Erste gedacht, aber vielleicht nicht? Und ich bitte um Verzeihung, mein Deutsch ist etwas fragwuerdig, ich habe es vom Vernsehen gelernt. Vielen Dank, Buffy im Bann der Daemonen!

YAAAAAAAAY! Thank you!


Take away those shows, take away the others you listed as endangered, but please, please, for the love of all that is good and holy, bring back Farscape to TV Club Classic. Thank you.

I am two days late watching this, and no one will probably ever read this comment, but I absolutely loved this episode, especially since NPH hid a little easter egg with some of his "Jabba" speak for all the parents who have read "Knuffle Bunny" by Mo Willems one too many times. Aggle Flaggle Klabble, indeed.