
The ghost of Robin Olds would like a word with you....

Actually, if you look at mass shooters in this country - male, white and single is the overwhelming demographic type...

I admit to dsliking cowherd while continuing to listen to his show during commutes 2011-2013 mostly because he was annoyingly provocative. My possibly outdated scouting report on him is that he’s a jackass human and a good broadcaster. He knows how to peg a story in a way that elicits strong reactions pro and con. My

I admit to dsliking cowherd while continuing to listen to his show during commutes 2011-2013 mostly because he was annoyingly provocative. My possibly outdated scouting report on him is that he’s a jackass human and a good broadcaster. He knows how to peg a story in a way that elicits response pro

Your logic continues to be crap: his prior methods and their success or failure don’t justify this. Your line of reasoning would also hold that if he beat her into the hospital, we would need to know what his prior discipline was before commenting on whether the fractured cheekbone and broken ribs were appropriate or

Legally you’re probably correct unless the father assaulted her in the haircut process. So hurray , legally you win.

Wait! Where is this documented? The French did this to women to slept with the Naziis after liberation. But I’ve who ever seen anything documenting Germans doing this, especially during the post-war occupation and into the period their country was being rebuilt brick by brick by American tax payers and when West

Drew tends to go at stuff with a scalpel; this guy Burneko is clumsily staggering around with a chain saw. This is disappointing, because, now that they are making suburban twee rap their trademark rather than a one-off, this clan definitely deserve to be checked with some style.

I hope Swift knows how to properly operate that grenade launcher. Otherwise, that'll be a hell of a sonic boom.

Good guy, and an inspiring attempt post ACL explosions. That said, Hershel, Bo, Marcus Dupree and Adrian Peterson may be the most physically dominating RBs to come out of high school and, in spite of the rhetoric and spin surrounding their freshman seasons, none of them were actually ready to compete in the NFL at

Adding to the above Kyle Petty cross reference, Mike Ditka was an assistant coach on Tom Landry's Cowboy's Staff in 1980, 8 years retired from his playing days. He wasn't likely to be booking any local or national ads in that relative career trough... Put this ad '84-'88 somewhere.

Funny story: The orthopedic ramifications of football have been known since the beginning. The lifelong impact of concussions and sub-concussive hits have only been studied and the results revealed publicly in the past 6 years. One giant reason was the NFL scrambling furiously to cover up, suppress and deny all

The sociopathic lack of empathy must be pure catnip for the ladies...

I wonder if he refers to his mustache here as 'curated' You know what I wish this wanna be Arcade Fire roadie would curate: A combat tour in Afghanistan. Yes, we're pulling the troops out, and no one is happier than me. But getting this guy a quick stint under fire at an advanced outpost in the Korangal Valley would

Actually, he hung out with Kimmel at Carolla's housewarming party, which is way, way away from Bel Air (you gotta go past Pasadena up into the hills!)

As I wrote, you are clearly a happy man - Not at all bitter, or clinging to white skin as your only perceived advantage in life. No way you're under-educated and non-competitive in the modern job market. And I absolutely think speculation about you hating Retta because she makes more in a week than you do in a year

And to think some of these people would call you a racist. The nerve!

Your posts indicate that you are clearly a man with great professional success, happiness and many fulfilling relationships, with little that might leave you with any misdirected frustration or rage that might be directed at minorities or others you see as below you on the social ladder. Good on you for feeling

Along with a handful of others, including Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, Roger Ailes and Lee Atwater, Luntz has been a leader in weaponizing the anger, biases and lack of understanding of a vast chunk of the electorate to get them to vote against their own economic interests. Naturally, both parties try to target