
Just battled through the inefficient inter library loan website & requested it :)

You're so right on. Just had a psychiatry appointment for my 5yo today. If I wanted him drugged to the gills, I could make it happen by lying plausibly. And dear god, there are days it would be nice to have the option! Fortunately - for him, for his psychiatrist, for me - I'm just out for what helps him be his best

It’s easy to point at the doctors: I get it. But MBP is characterized by the mastery of manipulation. You have absolutely no idea how convincing these parents can be. They look like saints, they are devoted to the needs of ‘medically frail’ children, and they jump ship if they sense anyone getting even slightly close

My Costco sells bags of 6 for $5. Buy them green, eat them as they ripen. I eat a crazy number of avocados. Nature’s butter.

I told my husband to forgo a funeral & rent out my favorite fancy restaurant for a night. 5 courses with wine pairings is DEFINITELY the way I want to be celebrated :)

It thrills me to see another reasonable, intelligent adult who shares my unreasonable love for f&f movies. I also own all 3 Riddick movies AND XXX. I love beefcake and explosions and nerdery.

Friend of mine from HS, who has 3 kids 9 and under, is almost 36 months past her metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. She's pretty positive, but she also drops things sometimes about just wanting to live long enough for her kids to remember her, and I'm a wreck for days afterwards.

Need to say that a 4th set would be 7th & 8th, not 6th & 7th. That child who died counts- ask any parent who lost an infant.

My 5yo: Mooom? Are you going poop or pee or both? Are you done yet? When will you be finished?

I’m fortunate not to have any addiction issues, but I relate completely to sometimes wanting to dive into a wine glass to escape my inescapable parenting duties. For me it’s more the symbolism of the glass- an ADULT glass, filled with an ADULT beverage- than drinking itself. I’ve had times I poured the glass and just

My vagina & I can only really understand ‘sport’ in the context of a mind-numbing human interest athlete profile. If I'm not crying like Michael Jordan, is it really a sport?

My younger son, when he was about 18 months old, managed to slam his mouth into my wooden bed frame, pushing 2 baby teeth BACK UP INTO HIS GUM. And that's how I made my first emergency call to the dentist for an immediate appointment on a Sunday. My kids are very hard on their stupid teeth, and get their adult teeth

My 7yo son already has faked up adult front teeth because he’s a clutz and we hate having any money. They warned us that he can't get more permanent ones until his mouth stops growing, and that best case scenario is he'll only need these ones replaced a few times before then. God help us when he's ready for braces.

Tell your bf that the biggest organic grocer in the US is Costco. Yes. Costco. I buy as many of my weekly groceries there as I can, then fill in the gaps at a regular store. Organic ground bison or bison dogs instead of fatty hamburger meat and mystery meat hotdogs! Organic fruit & berries! Organic milk and flour!

I've been trying to read this while eating lunch. This question legit made me gag. I'm all for the rainbow of legal sexual perversions, but I guess I found a hard boundary to my own today.

My living room felt more crowded than the stadium looked during that series. It was really pathetic.

The $33 million land value seems slightly specious, given that the whole area there was absolutely moribund until the stadium was built. It’s thriving now, but it was a waste of space beforehand. The revenues brought into the city by having a vital ballpark neighborhood within city limits seems like something that

If you spend 3 days imagining your kid has been kidnapped/raped/killed, I imagine discovering they are ‘just’ having a breakdown comes as a massive fucking relief.

Maybe the prenup (? I assume..?) had a clause about being married a whole year to get $X.

I'm a 36D. I buy the small/child sized cheapo Champion sports bras at Costco ($20 for a 2-pack) and wear 2 when I run or kickbox. Easy, cheap. If I were more petite, maybe it wouldn't work- but then I'd have smaller boobs anyway.