GuardDuck_Quick draw anger management

While I'm at it I'll just go ahead and nominate the Pinto. Quite popular in the late '70s-early '80s the Pinto made an excellent NASCAR Modified body.

Did somebody say Gremlin?

@Baby Beater Benz: I know that! When the neighbors smell the fumes coming from my rustic motor coach it's hard to convince them it's because I'm remodeling the conservatory.

@Baby Beater Benz: When I have to carry the chemicals for my meth lab inside the car I pass out from the fumes. I hate when that happens. This would help.

@Mabrouk: Used to...DirecTV recently dropped G4 :(


No, this is the Ulitimate Sliding Machine!!:

The ideas about generators on trailers and 500ft extension cords are cute, but nonsense.

It's Rainbow Fun Time!

Biffle was quoted as saying about the gear collapse,

Congrats HJ! Your prize is a lovingly restored CB750. Theory is all well and good, but "hands on" is much more satisfying.

Most of that gas is used on the commute to work. Simple solution, quit your job. Just think of all the money you'll save!

@Spiegel — Nobody sees the name: I wouldn't doubt if it were a hoax and the guy doesn't even exist. Wasn't there just an advert hoax about a couple of car engineers "accidentally" leaving the plans for a new engine in a coffee shop?

@Paul Y. requires regruntling: Almost. Yes, it's a niche that I'd like to fill with a little electric whatsit, but 35k is just a leeeetle too much for a dedicated grocery-getter. Spending a couple of grand to convert something like an Escort ZR2 would fit the bill for me.

So, what's worse, a 356 Mockster that sounds like a Volkswagon or a 356 Mockster that sounds like a Prius?

mmmm hmmm....look at all those holes...oh yeah....if it could cook I would marry it.