Not to mention it's shot in the back.
Not to mention it's shot in the back.
Me? The worst thing to happen to me was cutting the wire on a new shock too soon. A friend at work, however, was shot by his Camry. He was trying to remove a front wheel bearing by pounding it with a hammer when a shard of bearing race broke off, went through his sweatshirt and t-shirt, and lodged about an inch…
I saw that guy on the news last night. He's got the same "bite me" attitude towards the "experts" that my wife's nephew had. Said nephew broadsided a truck with his motorcycle a few years ago in the first week of July. He broke both legs, a wrist, and messed up his hands. The "experts" said he may never walk right…
For the most part, commercial vehicles can't carry propane tanks. That's why portable charcoal grills are popular with long haul truckers.
I just tried listening to RadioLeMans. They were talking about how in Formula One Piquet Jr. never had to worry about tyre management. Click.
"Merde." - Romain Grosjean
What a crybaby. The world is not 100% perfect. He sounds like the kind of guy who reloads his operating system every time his iTunes locks up.
They had to use the Viper. The Jeep is a rollover hazard and somebody had stolen the wheels off the Escalade.
It depends on your definition of "good friend." My definition of "good friend" contains the line "the sort of person to whom you would lend your performance car."
Too bad nobody got a shot from where those guys are standing, then we could get a good look at his exhaust-blown double diffuser.
I prefer to think of it less as encouragement than a gentle nudge in an awesomely wrong direction.
"Get Out the Vote!" Some community organizers are really into their jobs.
Looking at the photo there doesn't seem to be much farming in that area. Therefore we must assume the soil is of a poor grade and not very loamy. If you were to park a car on that type of soil they might get...sandy.
We tried about a dozen different brands and models and the only thing really bad about the Leatherman was that the whole brand was damn heavy. But they are the leader in the multi-tool business so they had some cool extra features. What I like about my Gerber is the replaceable wire cutter blades. Other ones, once…
I think Leatherman uses some sort of lead alloy. That's what makes their tools heavier than everybody else's. Either that or the parts are gold-filled. That would explain the higher price, too. I got my Gerber through work Sometimes it's good to work for the…