
I will never understand why people are so down on Tom Nook, who just sells you a house with a no-interest mortgage you can pay whenever you get around to it and with no down payment the minute you move into town and need somewhere to live. He even gives you a tent to live in while the house is being built.

No, the best time to travel for Thanksgiving is not at all.

Chill Winston!

Go away.

Right? We biked everywhere; no helmets. Driving those roads now, all I can think of is how there’s no shoulder and the bends/trees limit visibility to like 75 feet. We should all be dead.

It was a joke.

Commented on Jalopnik that I keep driving in the snow on all-season tires.

Who knew that a child could be good at A Children’s Card Game?

Yes, that’s why all the bestiality porn comes from Europe.

Turkeys aren’t animals. They’re pure spite covered in feathers. Much like geese and swans.

Yes, FAA may not have any rules against this, but local officials could charge them with that.

Do Americans still have laws against animal cruelty?

I happened to read their report a few months ago and was pretty depressed by how little they had to show for the work. Basically it said “could be bad, we don’t know”. So independent of any feelings about this administration, it didn’t seem like we were getting a lot out of it.

Still—16 years of study. If it’s clear that no one is going to pony up the tens or hundreds of billions of dollars to shield vital infrastructure then maybe there’s no further need for the commission.

The device is there to prevent a person previously convicted of impaired driving from operating a vehicle while impaired. It isn’t installed for an impaired person to determine whether or not they’re too drunk to drive. It’s an ignition lock system. If a person has one installed - good. That is all. No need to shame

Sure you can “call someone out” on having one, but what’s your endgame there?

Going through a DWI/DUI trial is horrible. It can cost 10s of thousands of dollars. In many states it carries a mandatory suspension of your license, some states have mandatory jail time.

Yes. I also frequently visit prisons to tell the inmates they are bad people who do bad things.

Fair enough. I guess I should have said just “myself” instead of making a generalization about everybody. All I know about FFXIV is the housing crisis and brothels, from articles on here. XD

I think there was like one time when I got the joke to Life in Aggro. The problem isn’t that the comics aren’t funny, but that nobody knows why they’re funny. I definitely relate with Gamercat, though.