
Simmer down now, kid.

Lol. Yeah I’m and ea exec on kotaku correcting people who can’t read. Your figured it out. Bravo.

I am absolutely positive that there is NO PLEASING some of you. You’ve won. Its over. All your crying and bitching about “loot boxes” and “predatory business practices” has made a EA bow to you, and yet many of you, ARE STILL BITCHING AND COMPLAINING. Let it go trolls. Again, you never had to buy this shit show in the

It actually doesn’t have a season pass since the last game got so much flack for it.

You have to screw up pretty bad to worry about fucking Star Wars underperforming.

Speak for yourself. I love Roland Emmerich films. Because of this, I loved San Andreas (which was pretty Emmerichy), and this movie is done by the same dude, so I’m looking forward to it.

You, my friend, are stupid, rich, or stupid and rich. Whichever it is, I envy you.

@Kotaku I smell a #taxaudit in your future. Hope you got your receipts! Otherwise, Sad!!

But I haven’t payed for a micro transaction in my entire life. I wanted the witch mercy skin and the summer soldier 76 skin and I ended up not getting them. Did I empty my bank account to get them? No. They are cosmetic and aside from looking cool they don’t give me an advantage, so I moved on. It’s the whales that

Honestly, I find this article deeply unsettling. I don’t really understand how it can be considered heroic to dig into someone’s business like this, regardless of whether or not the guy really works for EA. There’s no concrete evidence for the claims here; and people are only saying this is great journalism because

Nah, Gamestop knows that no one goes in there to buy games anymore.

The entire point of this rental subscription plan is to get people to come back in the store repeatedly so that they can be tempted by their constantly refreshing pokemon plushie selection.

“We forgot that we can sell much of our pre-owned stock of games between now and the holiday shopping season. So we’ll resume the program once we have more money and fewer used games to rent.”

I suppose. But even so, the words used, the sentiments being described seem vastly overwrought for what transpired. So the company didn’t handle the case well. Fine. Let’s point that out. But seriously, hour long panic attacks? Years of pain? Walkouts? It just seems like we don’t know all the details. The only thing

You’re about to eat such a shit storm of comments for that...BUT I guess I might as well admit that I agree with you. I hope there is way more to this than I have read, because if not then this is verging on candlelight vigil territory in response to a douche acting like a douche.

“Prominent staff at the gaming site IGN say they’ve walked out today in the wake of allegation”

Yeah, nah. Bought the game already. Not sorry. It’s a lot of fun to me and I don’t plan to and have not bought any crates with actual money. I’m also old enough to remember when games regularly had unlockable content and how that was considered a plus. Nowadays people want everything from the start but then complain

I’m buying the game for single player and bot modes. I can ignore loot crates and won’t buy them. The game can still be enjoyed, just don’t reward the predatory parts of it that ask for additional money.

Don’t buy the game.

Yeah, I actually like Life in Aggro when they’re not pulling from MMOs I never play.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from a specific series of movies, it’s that a dude can somehow own a super hot (& clean) performance shop despite spending all of his time setting up stupid street races, and then magically become one of the most talented computer hackers in the world overnight.