
Yup. I’m not at the age when I MUST have a child yet, but whenever someone talks about babies and I say I don’t want any I get the same bullahit reply. “Oh one day you’ll meet someone you’ll WANT to have babies with!” That was a pretty fucking insulting thing to hear when I was in a relationship with a man I was madly

*eyeroll* don’t start with cultural appropriation. This is just a brand new pop song that everyone is enjoying at the moment. As much as I enjoy Beyoncé’s catchy songs, they are not precious art belonging to black people. It’s not the same as wearing a religious garb that you don’t understand the significance of. When

Cheeto Voldemort is now my favorite name for Trump.

I bet that cupcake is actually Muslim

I just came her to say that as a New Yorker I think Giuliani should just go eat a bag of dicks. Preferably if that bag was first kicked around all the garbage juice puddles in Times Square.

Hahaha I’m liberal feminist. But go ahead throw a hissy fit because I don’t view pregnant women as helpless invalids. Next time you regurgitate sexist notions about women try not to call other people using terms you don’t understand. Your entitlement must have been bruised badly enough to continue this pointless,

Judging by the way you choose to communicate with others (insults worthy of a not so bright 12 year old) I don’t think I want your spawn to populate the world. Giving up a seat is not the same as maternity leave, which no one on this thread, including myself argued against. By all means receive support from your

Fuckwad. Lol ok, very mature. Do you understand basic concepts like “personal responsibility?” As in its your responsibility to take care of yourself and your pregnancy, as you chose to do this. No one *has* to give up their seat to you even if you think you deserve it simply by making the choice to procreate.

Healthy enough for vigorous physical activity, but then miraculously “disabled” when you need a seat on a train. Got it.

Only if we count entitledment as disability.

No one owes you anything because you decided to get pregnant, fyi. And you can’t decide who is able to give you their seat just by looking at them. Yesterday I whitnessed a pregnant lady who looked just fine standing up glaring at a teenage girl who was sitting down. What the preggo didn’t know is that 3 stops before

She is insufferable

Oh wow, he is even more irritating than his mother. And what a fucking idiot. He is literally mansplaining sexism to a woman! I want to slap him so bad!

I love London, and seeing it as more spooky makes me love it even more.

Yeah, it's really callous to look at these dehydrated, exhausted models on the verge of heatstroke, forced to wear shitty footwear, and question their professionalism. No one has to put their health at risk for a job, especially one that doesn't pay shit.

Oh dear Flying Spaghetti Monster, how I hate pregnancy photoshoots! They are so fucking corny and pointless, and now they have become the norm even for non-celebrity pregnant women. Why do people need to see pregnant bellies?! I wouldn’t normally see people’s bellies unless I’m at the beach, or someone is wearing a

*eye fucking roll* EVERYTIME the is a story about cheating I see a bunch of “blame monogamy” comments crop up. I swear people who are polyamorous (or strongly believe in it or a similar non-monogamous arrangement), are like vegans of the relationship world- always insisting that it’s the way to go, and monogamous

Fuck! Fucking shit! Motherfucker! Fuckety fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Fucking hell.

Counseling and community service sound good to me. Poor thing was abused so badly she’s actually happier and more free in jail than she was living with her mother (her words, not mine.) I hope she gets an early release and recovers somehow.

Wow. I stopped reading after two sentences. This must be really important for you. I suggest getting a hobby.