
Taking out a snack is a whole lot easier than breast feeding. I don’t know why that even has to be explained. Her whole objection was traveling the unthinkable distance allllll the way to the restroom. If she took out some apple slices she wouldn’t have to explain to a child that she has to wait to eat. And nursing

Yes, she should be able to nurse if she wants, and the store employee was wrong. But there is just too much of an outrage about this. It’s not a baby, it’s a toddler. As in a person who can eat “real food.” So it wasn’t an emergency , she could’ve also brought a snack for the kid to avoid suddenly having to find a

I believe it’s called friendship. And the whole premise of “having your own opinion” the author is trying to push just doesn’t make sense. If you don’t side with your friend you’re not being mature, you’re being a shit friend. Friends are not impartial judges.

Holy shit! Just read all of that. Man, a pack of moms is some scary shit. Moms/pregnant ladies go nuts when they or their kid doesn’t immediately get what they perceive they are entitled to and will defend others who do the same. Just for reference my mom read all the books and had doctors in the family and fed me

No idea. Must have slipped their radar.

Yeah, it’s her choice that is making things inconvenient for her, and she’s expecting special treatment from others. My aunt nursed my cousin until she was 2 years old. And at that point simpathy for nursing mothers dissipates, as it is no longer a necessary thing to do.

Umm, this kid is a year and a half. Why is she even making life more difficult for herself by breastfeeding? It's only crucial for the first year and the kid can eat other things at this point. Non-issue.

*ling blank stare* Reeeeeeeally? Really?!

What is all this talk about security and safety? The idea of my bf having sex with someone else repulses me. I see no point of being in a relationship with a person and having sex with a bunch of other people. It's not what I want, it's not my lifestyle and I don't need anyone explaining my feelings about it to me, or

Omfg another one of those semi-poly people who try to “convert” us poor monogamous people who haven't seen the light of threesomes yet! I'm insecure because I don't want my bf fucking a bunch of other women?! Okaaaaaaay....sure

I love it how for black women it’s all about embracing themselves, but white skinny blonde girls have to constantly apologize for existing! And don’t say black bodies are not accepted etc., white women have to deal with body issues too (too big, too skinny, “white girls don’t have asses”, “blondes are dumb”) Oh how

Oh god, the “children are a part of life” camp! Would you bring a 2 year old to a nightclub? A business meeting? How do you know that this particular wedding you are invited is a “family affair”? Some people are estranged from their families and just invite their friends to their wedding- a party wedding. Some people

This! Million times this!!! Self involved parents assuming things and then getting annoyed that no one spelled out the obvious for them!

Ummmmm no! It's rude to assume that your kids ARE invited! They are not an extension of you, so unless their names are on the invite, the spawn stays home. And if you bring your screaming, snotty children to my fancy party, to which they weren't invited, then I have every right to be pissed about it.

That was an exaggeration. More like impatient. :)

I am somehow personally affronted that this post was so goddamn long. I knew it was going to have a cute ending, and the wait was ungodly long. Editing is your friend.

Oh shut the fuck up! No one is doing it to prove they aren’t homophobic. She just got that androgynous/pretty boy look, so to most straight women she translates as mostly masculine, and she’s fucking hot! So much vitriol over nothing.