Unseelie Jess

It felt like DB and DW had a conference discussing “the audience hates the Dorne plot. Is there a way we can just get rid of that plot thread while simultaneously making Euron look badass and threatening?”

The show has made me hate the Sand Snakes so much that I did find it satisfactory to watch them die by their own weapons.

I want Bronn and the Hound to hang out almost as much as I want a Lady Olenna/Lady Mormont team-up.

If the show had let Summer live, that would've been pretty good proof he was a Stark.

Also, he should have blue lips.

I think he said it in the same situation. The girls were fighting and Ned gave them the wolf pack talk.

Exactly. It’s also something Ned used to tell them, back in the day.

Thank you! It's been almost ten years since I read the book and it's all in wisps and fragments, like a dream.

Media was dressed nearly identically to Judy Garland in Easter Parade and escorted by a droog Fred Astaire. She makes a nod to the title song when she references Easter's "Easter bonnet."

I think the Jesuses maybe aren't gods? They're more like Mad Sweeney and work for gods/are god-adjacent. Otherwise, Laura totally could have had Jesus do a resurrection for her a la Lazarus. If one couldn't, I'm sure all their powers combined could have pulled it off.

I was positive he was getting drunk on that pool water.

I never could remember if Mr. Town and Mr. Wood were gods or just worked for them.

Oh, I thought they gave it away in the prison scene when they mentioned the Odin rocket launcher over North Korea. They literally had a cartoon animation of it, and I was like "wow, ok, so they're just gonna tell everyone like this?" I thought it made Shadow look kind of like a dummy that he didn't realize he worked

I love how genuinely shocked the new gods are whenever the old gods (particularly Wednesday) are capable of doing anything they don't like, from resisting their offer to smiting droogs with lightning. "What sacrifice?" Ka-BOOM.

Watching Jesus sitting on the pool drinking, I thought "I hope I hope I hope we see Jesus get completely hammered on pool water turned to wine" but it was so much more subtle and hilarious.

I voted for Peppermint to win Miss Congeniality. :(

Thanks! She-Ra and Wonder Woman were my childhood heroes, but I'm strawberry blonde so I always imagined I could BE She-Ra when I grew up.

At the presentation of the children to the Mexican ambassador, we did see a single wife with no child. I assumed the Eyes had gotten her husband and removed him (or he had died some other way).

"The hot, dull face of evil." American government in a nutshell.

Ugh, BlackJack Randall. (Shudders).