Unseelie Jess

Thank you, Jack Chick, for introducing me to the concept of enjoying things ironically at the young age of 9. A street preacher used to hand these out regularly, and I LOVED them.

I got to hear Hillary and Tim Kaine speak today, and then the Cubbies won! This is possibly the best day ever. Boo on anyone not accepting my gal Wonder Woman. She inspired me to be strong when I was a kid and let me know that I could have a better life than the one my parents set for me.

"I'm no hero. Pay me." —Bobby Fish
Jessica Jones really WOULD market that.

Same. It was weird seeing how deep my crush on him goes. "Oh my god, what a monster. What a cuuuuute monster!"

They've barely had any interaction together, but I feel like I would enjoy a spin-off of Claire Temple and Bobby Fish telling superheroes all about themselves.

This woman reminded me a lot of my mom who posted an article on FB this weekend on how Trump is “God’s imperfect vessel” and “the prophesied President,” like he’s Azor Asshai or some bs. I cannot begin to reason with these people.

Watching this felt like every political discussion I’ve ever had with my mother. Nice to see they grow these folks outside of Florida.

Exactly. That’s the mentality.

There was a twitter poll last night. Retweet if you’ve been groped, Fave if you haven’t. As of this morning, it had nearly 3K retweets and about 280 faves.

I think they keep bringing up Bill, because they can’t see Hillary as a candidate on her own. Women are just extensions of their menfolk, so they’re targeting Bill. They really think she’s trying to get Bill a 3rd term, basically.

Her whole show is on YouTube every week. That’s where I watch it!

Same. I’ve read the transcript. I can’t bring myself to watch the tape.

Ana is on fire!

Honestly, the most common date rape drug is regular alcohol. Second? Alcohol spiked with benadryl. Easy to get and doesn’t show up on tests, plus it’s worn off by the time the victim/survivor reports and expresses an interest in getting tested.


Me, too! Cat twins!

I’m a nebelung cat. I guess there’s lots of cats.

No no. Mike Pence is the guy who is always trying to shut down the X-Men.

Rob, I miss your recaps! Half the fun of the show was the journey we all took with you.