Unseelie Jess

Haaaaaa! I remember it mentioning to try it on a staircase, but I was too afraid I'd fall and break my neck.

SAME. It was called “the butterfly.” It basically had him going “ok, but is this fun for you? Because I don’t get it.”

To paraphrase Bette Davis:

So was the primary respondent for this survey my dad? Because that would explain a lot about our relationship lately. Sigh.

She looked awesome, and I loved that the embroidered epaulets were lions, but I’m genuinely surprised that she never wore Lannister red this season. Not even to her coronation.

Too bad the white wolf didn't show up. Where's Ghost?

The true Paw of the King...

Jamie will valonqar the shit out of his sister.

Or in ten years, his queen.

He'll strangle her with his golden hand.

We were shouting, “serpentine! Serpentine, Babou!”

They’re adorable! And look at little hipster Bran! Also, unnnnffff at Tormund and Onion.

He says “My lady” without saying “Milady” and for that, I will swoon.

I realized last night that I basically ship Brienne with everyone. Jamie, Tormund, Bronn, Pod, Sansa, Sandor...

Maybe Tyrion had the Freys set up the perimeter of Mereen while Dany was gone.

Same! I had no idea, I just instinctively look away when people start to go.

Well, Renly wasn’t so much of an asshole as he was just super duper unavailable to her.

Him going on and on comparing her to Cat was pretty hilarious to me, considering I’m thinking she’s about to kill Tommen.

It’s partially his voice. I love it.

One of the many things he does for love?