Unseelie Jess

You’re going to have so much fun!

They shattered a lot of our dreams, basically.

Bc the deal was off, and his army is possibly dead. Or partially, anyway. Edmure and his Frey overlords certainly weren't going to give her men.

They played Castamere later, when Jamie retook the castle. But yes, it's used far too often.

Never! Long live the LSH tinfoil!

Stannis had an underdog army, too.

I was praying Arya was Jaqen last week, bc otherwise a girl is dumb and completely oblivious to her surroundings.

Especially because a leaked picture reeeeeally looked like it had Syrio’s silhouette in it. I miss Syrio...

Same. I still hardcore believe.

He IS her little brother...

Maybe we were wrong and it's not snow, but ash.

I'm pissed Arya was really Arya last week, and not Jaqen testing the Waif. Also, I had really hoped for a Syrio return. But…does the return of Thoros mean LSH now that they've crushed our Cleganebowl dreams? Will Cersei kill Tommen? We don't know next week bc the Bastards are Battling!

I get that Braavos is violent and people are desensitized, but come on. That looked like a hallucination.

Well, there was Old Nan...

I was positive it was a dream sequence, but it just kept going on for way too long. Poor stupid Arya.

Maybe she can catch a ride on Gendry's boat.

I honestly thought it was a dream sequence that went on for too long for exactly those reasons. Wtf Arya? Where's your brain?

Oathkeeper gets chopped into baby swords for them all to practice with. An army to defeat the white walkers is born.

He's fantastic and terrifying on Outlander.

Dragons, like goldfish, grow to fit their environment.