Unseelie Jess

I can’t stop laughing at this gif, and my office now thinks I’m crazy.

I think SkiFree is exactly as good as we remember it.

Me, too!

I never finished the skyhook level. I was so utterly tragic at flying.

Good for you! Seriously, if this metaphor makes sense, I would love for it to become a common thing.


You can off Roose, but keep Fat Walda! She’s a Frey AND a Bolton, and she still manages to be genuinely kind. What are the odds of that? Fat Walda is the hero of the North right now.

Well of course they don’t get mad at the woman. We can’t make our own decisions. We just get passed around from man to man, right? It’s like these guys think they beat the game, rescued the princess, decided they didn’t want to play anymore, and now their friend is playing on THEIR save file! No fair!

Thank you!

These people... I just...

Wow. I..I just can't.


I got a letter from my ex's mother when I announced my engagement. She and I had stayed close, and she wrote that she was happy for me, but she could never speak to me again and was cutting off all contact, since she'd still been harboring hope that I'd be her daughter. Seeing me married to someone else was too

Ahhahahah wtf is that gif?

I do not understand these people. Although, at least she didn’t call you on your wedding day.

I met my husband through my ex, as we were all part of a group of friends in college. This isn’t a skeevy thing where I dumped my ex for my husband. I actually got dumped by the ex (who was my fiance at the time) and he actually suggested my husband and I hook up, because he thought since we were both overweight, we’d

Death by ovaries! Ugh. She had so much potential, too.

Well, she is a Targaryan...

Considering the Martells are the one family that the Targaryans never conquered, they could be an incredibly strong ally for Dany. Tyrion knows that they have Myrcella, and if they decide to form an alliance with Dany, they could force the Lannisters to play along, too. I’m frankly shocked he didn’t mention them,

It reminded me of old Jez, and why I started reading here in the first place.