Unseelie Jess

THAT'S the name of the thing my brother has. I can never remember. It's such an odd disease that for the longest time, I thought he was making it up.

My brother has that. I basically wrote a bible about it up above. You were much more succinct. :)

BCO has leaked into my everyday life. I was driving with Mr.03 the other day, and some asshole cut us of on a really icy road. I laughed and said "Well, clearly he's important. He makes monogrammed thermoses." Mr.03 has never read BCO and was very confused.

Ugh, I had that all the time when I was a vegetarian. Thankfully, no allergies to animal products. Just a lot of "no, no meat in this, only chicken/fish/shrimp." I'm really glad you're ok.

While I'll agree that the woman is a dumbass, and I hate what I'm about to do, I will say that my brother has this weird stomach thing about nuts. His stomach acid can't break down nuts, so if he eats whole or chopped nuts, they will literally burst through his stomach lining and kill him. If the nuts have been

Ugh, this fucking guy. Again.

Ohhh, I see. I'm from Chicago, and just recently moved away (woo, raised in Boystown!) so I know your struggle all too well. Stay warm and find the heated El stops!

As fun as it is, I would honestly rather live somewhere where I don't have to use it. Jealous of your warmth.

I'm singing at a fundraiser cabaret all night, so my hubs will be watching me do that. His Valentine present is an open bar while watching me flirt with old men for money. Woo! Twoo wuv.

My husband gave me a car window scraper shaped like a severed wampa arm for Christmas. It's warm AND makes me feel like a Jedi whenever I use it.

I feel you, Uma. No one recognizes me when I don't wear eye makeup, either. The curse of being a blonde with basically invisible brows and lashes.

When I worked at a salon, I hated doing confirmation calls for kids. "So we'll see Brenlyn, McKayla, McKenlyn, Mackenna, Jaylynn, Kailynn, Braelyn, Braiden, Aiden, Ainsley, Kaynsley, Bryn, and McKaylee tomorrow."

See, this is why we'll never really be friends. The two best pizzas are:

I'm sitting at my desk wearing yoga pants right now.

I thought the same thing, before I saw the movie.

I have no fucking clue whatsoever. This is a woman who named another daughter "Keisha Lorraine," because she'd heard it somewhere and it sounded fancy. We were like "fancy like quiche lorraine? Because you named your child after brunch."

I am white. My redneck aunt really wanted a son to name after her husband, Johnny. She had a girl, so she decided to make up a female version of Johnny. Did she go with Jamie? Of course not. My poor cousin is named Lechonya.

I think he was more of a character that we wish would have come back.