Unseelie Jess

Well, that's concerning.

That made me laugh way more than it deserved to.

Yaaay Luna! J.K. Rowling must be so happy.

Was it dumbass Don Lemon?

I remember her. She was tacky, obnoxious, and far from the best model there. If I recall correctly, she also announced on facebook or twitter that she was the winner before it aired. I thought that was why they had to reshoot it. They wanted it to be a surprise and disqualified her.

I've given up on Whoopi ever since her "rape rape" comment. I'm sure she'll say that since Ms. Johnson wasn't actually raped, she was probably just tired and mistaken about her coffee. Ugh.

This is infuriating. Even if they want to use the old HIV/AIDS excuse from the 80s, they screen all blood for HIV/AIDS anyway! There is literally no point to this ban! Plenty of gay men I know donate "illegally" anyway. It's just absurd.

Me, too! I'm nearly 6' tall, so it doesn't happen terribly often. Or ever.

Ugh, try living in Pittsburgh with all the "Big Ben" fans here. I hate it. I used to work with a rape crisis program, and one of our workers would always wear a Roethlisberger jersey to games and post them on social media. I was like, "Do you really know what you're doing? Do you even care???"

I must have that.

Aww, it looks like they have the same huge age gap that my sister and I share! That warms my heart.

Church parking lot? Us preacher's kids went straight for the church bathroom!

It's seems like they really only agree with Old Testament God, but feel obligated to slap Jesus' name everywhere so they're not seen as "too Jewish."

Yay, I'm glad you did this again for 2014! I actually was the star of a Victorian house tour, because I immediately recognized a butter brand (butter press?) from last year's edition.

I want to believe that, but we all know how much GRRM loves to crush our dreams!

When I read the book, I was so happy when they announced she was going to marry Tyrion. I foolishly believed they could take the throne together and get Westeros in shape. Now, I'm just rooting for Ser Pounce.

I'm almost ashamed of how much I love that movie. The music is so good!

I haven't even started reading this yet, but I wanted you to know that I skipped lunch today to go to the doctor, and it's cruel how hungry the leading image is making me feel. Breadsticks, come to my tummy now!

Yeah. That, combined with the very grownup Lost Boys made the whole thing weirdly sexual and bizarre. I would have been uncomfortable, if I weren't so bored.

They added a lot of unnecessary BS. There's no catfight in the original between Wendy and Tiger Lily, either. I believe they added 3 songs to this show, not counting the Ugg-a-Wug replacement song. Gotta make it fill 3 hours somehow, I guess!