Unseelie Jess

Lots of classical musicians need a ton of evening gowns for various concerts and recitals. We barely get paid anything, so Rent the Runway is a godsend for a lot of people. Not chubby people like me, but other people.

Jammy Dodger is still a pretty cool name! Do you have a cousin named Jelly Baby?

I ordered this book after reading about it here on Jez, and I just got an email from the bookseller saying it arrived today! This article is perfect timing! I'm so excited to pick it up and read it when I get home.

Not sure how I feel about the punishment, but I definitely feel you on the tall awkward middle school years, Hillary. I remember walking home from the subway when I was 14 and a man in his late 20s stopped to ask me if I could show him around the neighborhood. I kept walking, and he asked me where I went to school.

I read the comments on the Buzzfeed article. I really wish I hadn't.

My grandma used the fly swatter, too! It was actually a nice break from the wooden spoon, although it was pretty icky.

I got the wooden spoon so much, I started crying and apologizing when I'd cook with my mom and she'd ask me to hand one to her. I was surprised it didn't get a mention in Pop's kitchen talk

I do medical advocacy for sexual assault victims, and I cannot tell you how many arguments I've had with cops who don't want to do their friggin jobs and investigate a crime because "well, who knows what really happened? She said she had two drinks, so..." No, Officer Dumf***. It's a crime. Having a beer is not

So is that why they kept him hidden in the trailer? Yeesh.

My friends and I used to do a drunken double feature of The Room and Tiptoes. I highly recommend it.

Bless Chick Tracts.

These clothes are hipster-boho. Why doesn't she just call it "Contemporary Southern Charm" or something if she really needs to shoot at those plantations?

They speak of one who is coming. Who will rise up from beyond the greys. Some say it is only myth or legend. The true believers, however, never give up hope.

I actually sang a gig with Nick Carter when I was in high school. One of my best (closeted at the time) friends was in love with him, and even though we were singing backup for Nick, he still came over to shake my friend's hand when I asked him to. This was when BSB were still touring, so it was a huge deal to my

Same here! I've been on here for years, and I'm stuck in the greys with you!

Thank you for writing this. That being said, I'm stepping away from the comment section for this one, because I'm sure the GG trolls and the #NotAllGamers will be all over the place. Stay strong.

Ooo, did you get messaged by OKCupid's HunterBootLover, too? That guy disturbed me so much. (Chicago, most likely around 2011).

Yaaaay! This is amazing news to read first thing in the morning! Congrats to Malala!

I learned what a widow's walk was from one of those. Thanks, BSC!

I love Jessi forever. We spell our names the same way and love ballet! We were destined to be fictional best friends.