Unseelie Jess

Forget the teeth, I want Kate's dress!

It reminds me of Brad Pitt's Chanel commercial.

That's nearly twice what I paid for my wedding dress last fall.

That made me laugh much more than it should. That is an absolutely divine description.

It could be b/c I'm exhausted, but I read the headline as having something to do with Doctor Who being anti-vax and I was very confused and sad. Realizing it's a real doctor, I'm even more depressed.

What an awesome girl! Good for her!

I've been rewatching GoT from the beginning since I have a friend who is just getting into the show. I really hadn't paid attention before to what phenomenal work he does, right from the beginning. He's really fantastic.

Is that what these people think college classes are like? Explains a lot.

No. First I learn I've been mispronouncing Lena Headey's name, and now Gillian's. This is a very educational season for me!

She looks like either a Phoenix Wright character, an Oompa Loompa, or a member of the Lollypop Guild. Sadly, without the charm of any of them.

As much as I can't stand her, I've been having a bit of a blast photoshopping her head onto ridiculous bodies. My favorite was her head on a cormorant last week when she wanted to be a beautiful bird, spread her wings, and soar.

The only sense I can make of it is that she watched last season, saw her mama Alyssa not making it far enough with her drama storyline, realized Jinkx sobbed about being bullied a LOT near the end, and won. So maybe she thinks that if she cries all the time and looks like a victim, that's the key to winning?

I would love it if they got Simon Doonan.

I LOVED Marty Stouffer when I was a kid. He, Bob Ross, and Mr. Rogers were my heroes.

I love gum. Sadly, I have TMJ and my doctor made me stop chewing it. Maybe everyone else has jaw issues now from too much gum chewing as a child?

That's what we called it in grad school! (Sorry if double posted. Chrome is being weird.)

Similar situation here. Was told by many of the lesbians at my college that they weren't going to be a part of my "gay tourism." They said that based on how I dressed, they know I wasn't actually bi. I started calling myself hetero-flexible instead, since whenever I used the word "bi," I got the eyerolls and the

This basically served to remind me of why Kevin Spacey terrified me back in the 90s.