
Not a sitcom, but a drama series, Rogue on DIRECTV almost did this. Had a completely different cast, premise and setting by the end. The creator worked on it the whole time, though.

Nothing of significance has happened since Paige learned her parents were spies in Season 3. Interesting stuff keeps threatening to happen, but then ultimately nothing comes of it.

They weren't surprised by getting more episodes than they planned. Almost the opposite — they specifically wanted this many episodes because they felt they had a story to tell. They were just mistaken.

Both Suicide Squad episodes were huge wastes of opportunity, seemingly determined to do everything wrong. You've convinced me to be wary about the finale as well.

There should be more clips of his character from Sirens online, he was hilarious.

Horizon: Zero Dawn reminded me a little bit of The 100. Obviously not a perfect 1:1, but they have a lot of elements in common.

My tribal instinct is to agree that the Arkadians at least deserves first dibs. Like you said, if not for them nobody would even know an apocalypse was coming, never mind that there would be a way to avoid it — and it's no thanks to the Grounders that there even was a solution, they seemed hell-bent on obstructing the

It became "cool" sometime after Garden State, but especially after his kickstarter for Wish I Was Here. Maybe his thing on Punk'd had something to do with it too, I dunno. But the general hate for him is longstanding, if you didn't catch it before now you did miss something.

I'm right there with you. No expectations, liked it a lot, confused by all the negativity.

Richard Schiff is far too good for what looks like such a terrible show in The Good Doctor — but hey, he works constantly, can't always be winners.

I've never seen an episode of Imaginary Mary, but the ads assured me it was a hit, so I feel lied to.

Just looked it up to see if the EPs had anything to say about the finale, and sure enough they did a couple interviews. From reading them over, it doesn't feel like they have any intention of making the next season the last. They off-handedly mention a potential season five, for example.

Most, but not all. Tales from the Borderlands would be an exception. That one is just fun. A lot of the choices are just between one funny thing happening or a different funny thing happening.

There can be, should be, but won't. Marvel Netflix shows just don't want to learn that lesson.

Out of (genuine) curiosity, why Marc Guggenheim? I don't follow the behind the scenes stuff that closely, but I know Arrow has had a different showrunner the past few years when the show was at its nadir, so why not her?

Don't you 't think that it already has reached that level with this season of Legends of Tomorrow? The villains were all introduced in Arrow and Flash.

If that was the later seasons, he'd also make sure to say "It's an empty donut box" first. For some reason the voiceover pretty much became narration for the blind.

With fangs as sharp as new barbed wire!

This show was destined to be terrible as soon as they announced he was the showrunner.