
That's good advice, but I don't know how it translates into "white privilege" being a myth. It sounds like the times you were pulled over were for legitimate safety law violations. What if you were instead being pulled over for investigatory searches, where the officers were dragging the stop out as they tried to look

I think everyone has a CBB blindspot or an exception. I saw someone a while back say they skipped episodes with Gino, for example, which I can't even fathom. But mine would be Tig, and maybe other people would find that unfathomable. I've listened to all her episodes, but will probably skip them in the future.

What the fuck? What is he supposedly taking as fact? If he wrote "Steven Avery definitely didn't do it and that's the truth, end of" somewhere and I missed it, my apologies, but if not then you're not being "honest," you're being an asshole.

You're wrong about Goddard. From the rest of my comment, you should have gotten that's what I was referring to.

Django is right, you are wrong.

I just listened to both versions, and I agree with you. The DTF line in the censored version is better, but the closing line is better in the explicit version.

He won (or at least won on his own terms) in his first few appearances on the show before Alicia / LG started winning. He also won the assisted-suicide case against Diane a couple weeks ago.

I don't think Garret Dillahunt was cast as anything. The reports from a couple days ago were about how he was in the running for Negan, which he also tweeted about. Jeffrey Dean Morgan getting it means Garret Dillahunt didn't.

Press X to Jason

I didn't know she hated The League, but that's not surprising at all. It doesn't seem like her kind of thing (as much as I can infer what her kind of thing is from her appearances on Earwolf podcasts). Has she actually said that she hates it?

He has nine kids to feed!

The story actually starts about episode 7. It gets a little better after that.


I guarantee you his Wild Wings deal was way more lucrative than this stand-up special would ever be and they dropped him over this. And he didn't come clean out of the blue, he was going to be outed by the New York Times.

His second appearance with Jessica St Clair and Lennon Parham on Improv4Humans. Episode 135 "Ute of the Butte."

Did he edit out the part where he said sports are stupid or are you an insane person?

That doesn't seem like it could be true. If it was, why would Ben Stiller cameo in The Trip three years after Wilson's suicide attempt?

Jost never replaced Cecily Strong on Update, Michael Che did. And I've never seen Jost highly praised, even once. I'm sure it must have happened, he's the head writer on SNL somehow, but I've never come across it.

I think he was totally out of place and sucked in Arrested Development too.

Colin Jost has never been funny one time in his life. Not in his stand-up, not in his New Yorker articles, not on Weekend Update, not as a writer… He's the worst comedy has to offer, not because he's offensive, but because he has zero skill. Absolutely zero. He has negative skill, in fact, because he can make jokes