
New in Town is hilarious, the show was intolerably bad.

He has a couple. First one's no good, but the one about reviewing pop culture he hasn't seen is pretty funny.


Wylie Runs the Voodoo Down is pretty much my favorite comic arc ever. That's probably big enough, but it's very ill suited to being a movie, considering the amount of backstory it needs to resonate.

I can't even fathom this. I look forward to his episodes so much, and I get bummed when they're over because I know it's going to be another 6 months or so 'till he's back.

He told PFT on Speakeasy that it would probably happen, and he said it'd be a mix of new characters and old characters who were asked to "resubmit." I would KILL A MAN for an official announcement at this point.

The Cactus Tony episode is hugely underrated in my opinion.

On one hand, I'm glad that they're ending it on their own terms (per Sepinwall's report over on HitFix) and feel that they have reached the conclusion of the story. All shows should go out that way.

"For all of his mainstream ubiquity at the moment, Marc Maron’s presence
in the wider world of podcasting is often kept specifically anchored
inside of his garage with only a few short appearances on other shows
when news warrants."

Damn, that's pretty disappointing. I really liked the second season, it felt like the show was hitting its stride.

Like Jon Voight says, "This guy can hit and miss, you can't miss once."

Mann wanted him for that role, but Ted Levine didn't want to play another bad guy, so he asked to play a cop instead. I believe he talks about it in his excellent Random Roles interview.

Not so. The movie demonstrates that he weighs risk versus reward. If what you said was true then he never would have done the bank job, or gone after Waingro.

Of course you're right, I lost my mind there. Would edit it out but that would be dishonest.

"The production bump from eight episodes to 10 might not seem like much, but it’s a 25 percent increase…"

It literally did. It ended with her checking into her new office, talking to Weevil and then Mac about her next case (clearing Weevil's name and taking down the corrupt Sheriff's department), then sitting down at her desk and monologuing about how she belongs in Neptune, "in the fight."

You misinterpreted it. She didn't give up the amazing job to be with Logan. She gave up the amazing job because she couldn't let go of the case. She couldn't be a lawyer because she couldn't help but be a PI.

It's on BBC America but it's filmed in Canada and the main actress is a Canadian putting on a British accent.

The above article (and the THR article it's pulling from) totally misrepresents what Whedon actually said on the podcast. He said it was originally a lot longer, and had a conceit where Thor was possessed by the spirit of the cave or something, and that Selvig was asking the spirit questions and it was answering

There are *way* too many comments to go through and see if anyone has said this yet, but it's actually really silly how this article (and THR's article) misrepresents what he said in the podcast. I'm not saying Marvel didn't meddle and I'm not denying their meddling was a bad thing (I'm not even saying that Whedon's